Table of Contents
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /CPD/*
/CPD/37000006 | |
/CPD/90000072 | IMG Activity |
/CPD/BILL_PLAN_NO_R | Billing Plan Number Range Intervals |
/CPD/CHK_ACT_NUM_RNG | Number Range for Checklist Items |
/CPD/CHK_NUM_RNG | Number Range for Checklist Header |
/CPD/MC_AUTO_CREATE | Automatic Creation of Checklist Item |
/CPD/PFP_PID_NR | Financial Plan No. Range Intervals |
/CPD/PWS_WS_ALT_REP | E-mail Alerts Report |
/CPD/TCPWS_ORGERP_CA | Map Controlling Area |
/CPD/TCPWS_ORGERP_CC | Map Company Code |
/CPD/TCPWS_ORGERP_CS | Map Cost Centers |
/CPD/TCPWS_ORGERP_PO | Map Purchasing Organization |
/CPD/TCPWS_ORGERP_SC | Map Distribution Channel |
/CPD/TCPWS_ORGERP_SD | Map Purchasing Organization |
/CPD/TCPWS_ORGERP_SO | Map Sales Organization |
/CPD/WI_NUM | Number range editing: /CPD/WIUSR |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /FTI/*
/FTI/BCO_MAINT | BCO Maintenance |
/FTI/EXT_SRV_MAINT | Extended Service Maintenance UI |
/FTI/EXT_SRV_MAINT_N | Extended Service Maintenance UI |
/FTI/FLP | Finetuning Launchpad |
/FTI/GEN_SERVICE | generate OData Service |
/FTI/LIST_UPL_SOLU | List of Solutions with Instdata |
/FTI/MAINT_BCO | Maintain BCOs |
/FTI/MAINT_BOE_FT_UI | Maintain BusOrg Entity Finetuning UI |
/FTI/MAINT_SERVICE | Maintain Service |
/FTI/ORG_STRUC_EXT | Business Org. Structure extension |
/FTI/SERV_TESTDATA | Create testdata for OData service |
/FTI/SERVICE_MAINT | Service Maintenance UI |
/FTI/SET_IMPL_PHASE | Implementation Phase |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /G*
/GSINS/NLGBA_RES | Define Res. Period for NL GBA |
/GSINS/OLR | Define Res. Period for OLR |
/GSINS/PSTRUN_RES | Define Res. Period for Post.Run |
/GSINS/TR_TRAMER | XML File Generation TRAMER Reporting |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /IAM/*
/IAM/35000034 | |
/IAM/35000035 | |
/IAM/RESIDENCE_MAINT | Maintain BO-Specific Residence Time |
/IAM/SCHEDULE_REMIND | Schedule Notifications Job |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /IBS/*
/IBS/16000015 | IMG ACTIVITY |
/IBS/72000433 | IMG Activity |
/IBS/72000434 | IMG Activity |
/IBS/95000012 | Transaction |
/IBS/RB_GATE_CLEAR | Deletion Report for FVA Interface |
/IBS/RB_RBDGATE_FILM | RBD: RBD Gate CSV Filling Report |
/IBS/RB_REPORT_IPX | IPX: Reporting Function |
/IBS/RB_REPORTING | RBD: Reporting Function |
/IBS/RB_SHEETSUMMARY | Print ECF Valuation Sheet |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /IBX/*
/IBX/72000311 | IMG ACTIVITY |
/IBX/72000331 | IMG Activity |
/IBX/72000333 | IMG Activity |
/IBX/CALCULATION | Start Impairment Calculation |
/IBX/COCKPIT | IPX: Display Logs |
/IBX/CUS_COMPARE | Run Type-Based Process Comparison |
/IBX/D_PP_CUS_DISP | Display Process Customizing |
/IBX/D_PP_WUL_DISP | Where-Used List for Processing Group |
/IBX/DATA_DELETE | Deletion Report for Data Tables |
/IBX/FILE_UPLOAD | Upload Files |
/IBX/GENERATE | IPX: Generate Comparison Class |
/IBX/IC_ASSIGN | Start Impairment Categorization |
/IBX/IMP_CHNG | Maintain Import Data |
/IBX/IMP_DELETE | Delete Import Data |
/IBX/IMP_REFINE | Refine Import Data |
/IBX/IMPORT | Import CSV Files |
/IBX/MAIN | IPX Main Dialog |
/IBX/MIGRATION | Start Migration |
/IBX/PH_LOG_SHOW | Display Application Log |
/IBX/PROFILES | IPX: Maint. Dialog Param. Profiles |
/IBX/RAPI_DELETE | Deletion Program RAPI |
/IBX/RUN_PROT | Extended Logging |
/IBX/SELECTION | Restrict Data Selection |
/IBX/START | Start Processing Run |
/IBX/VALUA_COMPRESS | Compression of Initial Valuations |
/IBX/VALUA_DELETE | Delete Open Valuations |
/IBX/VALUA_TRANSFER | Transfers Valuations in Update Run |
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