Table of Contents
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/ES
/PRA/ESC_SFI | Suspended Funds Inquiry |
/PRA/ESCH_DISP_HIST | Display Owner Escheat History |
/PRA/ESCH_WORKPLACE | Escheat Workplace |
/PRA/ESCR_HISTORY | Wyoming Escrow Owner History |
/PRA/ESCR_WORKPLACE | Wyoming Escrow Workplace |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/FP_
/PRA/FP_ADMIN_WP | ONRR-2014 Admin Workplace |
/PRA/FP_AGREE | Maintain Agreement |
/PRA/FP_ARC | Maintain Adj Reason Code Override |
/PRA/FP_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/FP_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/FP_CTXRF | Maintain Contract/Sales Type XRef |
/PRA/FP_DIS_HST_CMP | History Compare Workplace |
/PRA/FP_DIS_OGOR_CMP | OGOR Compare Report |
/PRA/FP_DISP_COM_REC | Compliance Reconciliation Report |
/PRA/FP_DISP_FED_BAL | Federal/Indian Balance Inquiry |
/PRA/FP_DISP_INDXPRC | Display Monthly Index Zone Prices |
/PRA/FP_DISP_INT_CAL | Maintain Interest Calculations |
/PRA/FP_DISP_RCP_HD | Maintain Recoupable Balances |
/PRA/FP_EDTOVR | Maintain Edit Code Override |
/PRA/FP_EST | ONRR-2014 Estimates Workplace |
/PRA/FP_FIN_REC_POP | Financial Reconciliation Populate |
/PRA/FP_FIN_REC_RPT | Financial Reconciliation Report |
/PRA/FP_INDX_PRC | Maintain Monthly Index Zone Prices |
/PRA/FP_INDX_TOL | Maintain Indian Indx Prc Tolerances |
/PRA/FP_INT_RT | Maintain Interest Rates |
/PRA/FP_LEASE | Maintain Lease |
/PRA/FP_MANUAL_2014 | Manual 2014 Workplace |
/PRA/FP_MASTER | Maintain Master |
/PRA/FP_MIGRATION | ONRR-2014 Migration Workbench |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO_RPT | Display Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO_RPT2 | Display Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/FP_OOS_WO2 | Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/FP_OWN_GRP | Maintain Owner Groups |
/PRA/FP_PDCXRF | Display PRA/ONRR Product Code XRef |
/PRA/FP_PORTAL | ONRR-2014 2.0 Portal |
/PRA/FP_PRC_LMT | Price Limit for Product Code |
/PRA/FP_PRDTA | Display PRA Details |
/PRA/FP_PRDTE | Display PRA Detail Rejects |
/PRA/FP_QUEUE_MON | ONRR Queue Monitor |
/PRA/FP_RECON_RPT | ONRR 2014 Recon Report |
/PRA/FP_RNT_CRD | Maintain Advance Rental Credits |
/PRA/FP_RPDT | Display Report Details |
/PRA/FP_RPDTE | Display Report Detail Rejects |
/PRA/FP_S6RTOVR | Maintain Section 6 rate override |
/PRA/FP_SBGRFCMON | ONRR-2014 Queue Monitor |
/PRA/FP_SOL | Maintain Statute of Limitations |
/PRA/FP_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
/PRA/FP_SRC | Maintain Suspense Reason Codes |
/PRA/FP_TRAN_PRO | Transportation Processing |
/PRA/FP_UPD_EST | Upload Initial Estimates |
/PRA/FP_UPD_HST_CMP | Load History Compare |
/PRA/FP_UPD_INT_EST | Upload Initial Interest Estimates |
/PRA/FP_UPD_RPDT_HST | Report Detail History Maintenance |
/PRA/FP_UPDATE_PRICE | Upload Monthly Index Zone Prices |
/PRA/FP_UPL_LSE_AGR | Upload Lease and Agreement X-refs |
/PRA/FP_UPL_RECOUP | Upload Initial Recoupments |
/PRA/FP_VAR_RPT_MO | ONRR-2014 Variance by Report Month |
/PRA/FP_VAR_SAL_MO | ONRR-2014 Variance by Sales Month |
/PRA/FP_WORKPLACE | ONRR-2014 Workplace |
/PRA/FT_OWNER_BAL | Owner Balance Enquiry |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/KS
/PRA/KS_ASU | Maintain Auto-Suspension Data |
/PRA/KS_ASU1 | Kansas Auto Suspend |
/PRA/KS_LEASE | Maintain Kansas Lease Data |
/PRA/KS_LEASE_UP_DWN | Tax 2.0 : Kansas Lease Up/Dwn |
/PRA/KS_MASTER | Maintain Kansas Master Data |
/PRA/KS_MASTER_UPDWN | Tax 2.0 : Kansas Master Up/Dwn |
/PRA/KS_MIGRATION | Kansas Tax Migration Workbench |
/PRA/KS_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
/PRA/KS_SOL | Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data |
/PRA/KS_SOLE | Maintain SOL Exceptions |
/PRA/KS_SOLE1 | Kansas Statute of limitation excepti |
/PRA/KS_TAXHST | Up-to-Date Reported Transactions |
/PRA/KS_TAXHT_UPDATE | Update Kansas Tax History |
/PRA/KS_TAXRT | Tax 2.0 : Kansas Tax Rate Maintenanc |
/PRA/KS_TAXTXN | KansasTax Transactions Display |
/PRA/KS_TAXTXN_UPLD | Tax 2.0 Kansas Tax trans Upload |
/PRA/KS_TXCL_XFR | Tax Class Xref |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/L
/PRA/LOCK_MAINT | PRA RAD Post Block Maintenance |
/PRA/LS_QUEUE_MON | Legal Suspense Queue Monitor |
/PRA/LS_RECON_RPT | Payment Processing Recon Report |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/MASS
/PRA/MASS_MIG_VL_DOC | Mass Migration of VL Documents |
/PRA/MASS_PDX | Transaction code for Mass PDX upload |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/MIG_
/PRA/MIG_ACCT | Mig Company and accounts |
/PRA/MIG_AR | AR Migration Input |
/PRA/MIG_BA | BA Migration |
/PRA/MIG_BADI_RAD | Populate New Fields in RAD |
/PRA/MIG_CFG | Migration configuration |
/PRA/MIG_CHECK_INPUT | Mig Check Input |
/PRA/MIG_FP_BT | Migrate ONRR Batches to RAD |
/PRA/MIG_JE_RAD | JE Migration Input |
/PRA/MIG_JE_RAD_STS | JE to RAD migration status |
/PRA/MIG_JE_TO_RAD | Journal Entry to Revenue Accounting |
/PRA/MIG_PP_LS_FP | Migrate check je to rad |
/PRA/MIG_R3_PRDT | Royalty 2.0 – TX GLO PRDT Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYHST | Royalty 2.0 – TX GLO Hist Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYSTG | Royalty 2.0 – TX GLO STG Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R3_ROYTXN | Royalty 2.0 – TX GLO TXN Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_PRDT | Royalty 2.0 – WY PRDT Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYHST | Royalty 2.0 – WY History Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYSTG | Royalty 2.0 – WY STG Migration |
/PRA/MIG_R6_ROYTXN | Royalty 2.0 – WY TXN Migration |
/PRA/MIG_RD | Revenue Distribution document migrat |
/PRA/MIG_RECON_JERAD | JE to RAD Document Level Recon Rpt |
/PRA/MIG_TP | TP Migration Input |
/PRA/MIGRATION | Process 2.0 – Migration Workbench |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/ND_
/PRA/ND_ASU | North Dakota Auto Suspend Data |
/PRA/ND_ASUE | Maintain Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/ND_CUSTAXID | Tax 2.0 Customer Taxpayer Id |
/PRA/ND_DISP_OOSWO | Tax 2.0 North Dakota Out Of Statute |
/PRA/ND_DISP_VAR | Tax 2.0 : ND Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/ND_MASTER | North Dakota Master data |
/PRA/ND_MASTER_UPDWN | Tax 2.0 ND MAster Upload & Download |
/PRA/ND_MIGRATION | ND Tax Migration Workbench |
/PRA/ND_OOS_WRITE_OF | Tax 2.0 ND Out Of Statute Write Off |
/PRA/ND_SOL | Maintain Statute-of-Limitations Data |
/PRA/ND_SOLE | Tax 2.0 ND SOLE |
/PRA/ND_TAXHST | Tax 2.0 ND Up-To-Date Rp Transaction |
/PRA/ND_TAXHT_UPDATE | Update North Dakota Tax History |
/PRA/ND_TAXRT | ND Tax Rate |
/PRA/ND_TAXTXN_DISPL | Tax 2.0 North Dakota Tax Transaction |
/PRA/ND_VEN_POOL_XRF | Tax 2.0 : ND venture pool code xref |
/PRA/NIMB_MASSUPLOAD | Mass Upload NIMB Records |
/PRA/NIMB_WORKPLACE | Network Imbalance Workplace |
/PRA/OFS | Owner Fact Sheet |
/PRA/OM_DOCUMENT | Marketing Free Maintenance |
/PRA/OM_EXECUTE | Marketing Free Maint. execute |
/PRA/OUTBOUND_CDEX | Outbound CDEX Processing |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/PN & PP
/PRA/PN_DEFINE_TAG | Define PPN Tags |
/PRA/PN_DNL_PCTL | DN Launcher Process Control Settings |
/PRA/PN_DNL_QCTL | DN Launcher Queue Control Settings |
/PRA/PN_MANUAL | Manual PPN Event Creation |
/PRA/PN_WORKPLACE | DN Workplace |
/PRA/PP_ADMIN_WP | Payment Processing Admin Workplace |
/PRA/PP_ANALYSIS | Payment Posting Analysis Report |
/PRA/PP_BANK_TAPE | Bank tape output file Creation |
/PRA/PP_CHECK_CLEAR | Check clear using the Bank sent File |
/PRA/PP_DISB_DEC | Disbursement Decimal – Check Detail |
/PRA/PP_DISP_CHK_DTL | Check Detail Inquiry |
/PRA/PP_DISP_CHK_HDR | Check Inquiry |
/PRA/PP_DISP_OWN_BAL | Owner Balance Inquiry |
/PRA/PP_MIN_PAY | Maintain Minimum Pay (Regions) |
/PRA/PP_MKT_OVR | Maintain Marketing Type Override |
/PRA/PP_NRC_VD | Maintain Recoupment Groups |
/PRA/PP_OUT_FILE | Output File Creation: DMEE |
/PRA/PP_OUTPUT_FILE | Output file creation |
/PRA/PP_PORTAL | Payment Processing 2.0 Portal |
/PRA/PP_QUEUE_MON | Payment Processing Queue Monitor |
/PRA/PP_RECON_RPT | Payment Processing Recon Report |
/PRA/PP_RUN_ANALYSIS | Trial Check Run Analysis |
/PRA/PP_SBGRFCMON | Payment Processing Queue Monitor |
/PRA/PP_TAX_OVR | Maintain Tax Type Override |
/PRA/PP_VAR_SET | Maintain Variance Parameter Sets |
/PRA/PP_WH_RT | Maintain Withholding Rates |
/PRA/PP_WORKPLACE | Payment Processing Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_C | Contractual Allocation PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_M | Migration PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_P | Production PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PPN_WORKPLACE_V | Valuation PPN Workplace |
/PRA/PRA_FI_BALANCE | PRA and FI balance transaction |
/PRA/PROC_SEL | Maintain Process Selection |
/PRA/QUEUE_MON | Payment Processing Queue Monitor |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/R
/PRA/R_PN_JE_DTL_RPT | Valuation Document JE Detail Report |
/PRA/R_PN_VL_POST_ST | VL Posting Statistics |
/PRA/R_PN_VOL_PPN | Volumetric Prior Period Notification |
/PRA/R_VL_SD_MIGRATE | SD Migration |
/PRA/R_VL_SD_STITCH | SD Date Continuity Merge Utility |
/PRA/R_WH_REP_TH | Maintain Min Threshold for Reporting |
/PRA/R3_DISP_BAL_RPT | Texas GLO/TAMU Balancing Report |
/PRA/R3_DISP_OOSWO | List of TX Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/R3_DISP_ROYHST | Display TX GLO/TAMU Royalty History |
/PRA/R3_DISP_ROYTXN | Display TX GLO/TAMU Royalty Trans |
/PRA/R3_MASTER | Royalty 2.0 – TX GLO/TAMU Master Dat |
/PRA/R3_OWNOVR | Maintain TX GLO/TAMU Own Lvl Rpt Ovr |
/PRA/R3_OWNXRF | Royalty 2.0 – Texas GLO/TAMU – BA XR |
/PRA/R3_PAY_RECON | Texas GLO/TAMU Payables Recon |
/PRA/R3_RRC | Royalty 2.0 – Texas GLO/TAMU RRC Mas |
/PRA/R3_UPD_OOS_WO | Texas Out Of Statute Write Offs |
/PRA/R3_UPD_ROYHST | Update TX GLO/TAMU Royalty History |
/PRA/R3_UPD_ROYTXN | Maintain Texas GLO User Roy Trans |
/PRA/R6_DISP_BAL_RPT | Wyoming Royalty Balancing Report |
/PRA/R6_DISP_OOSWO | List of WY Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/R6_DISP_ROYHST | Up-to-Date Reported Wyoming Trans |
/PRA/R6_DISP_ROYTXN | Display Wyoming Royalty Transactions |
/PRA/R6_MASTER | Royalty 2.0 – Wyoming Master |
/PRA/R6_PAY_RECON | Wyoming Royalty Payables Recon |
/PRA/R6_UPD_OOS_WO | Wyoming Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/R6_UPD_ROYHST | Update Wyoming Royalty History |
/PRA/R6_UPD_ROYTXN | Maintain Wyoming User Roy Trans |
/PRA/RAD_REC_EXCEP | RAD Recon Exception Report |
/PRA/RD_CRUN_COMPARE | combined run compare |
/PRA/RD_RPT_BG | RD Bearer Group Report |
/PRA/RD_RPT_COT | RD Chain-of-Title Report |
/PRA/RD_RPT_DEF | RD DeferredAmts & Differences Report |
/PRA/RKS_P2_OOS_WO | Process 2.0 KS Out-Of_Statue WO Main |
/PRA/RKS_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 KS Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RND_P2_OOS_WO | ND Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/RND_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 ND Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RP_PORTAL | Tax & Royalty Reporting Portal |
/PRA/RP_PROF | Maintain Report Profiles |
/PRA/RP_ROYOWN | Royalty 2.0 – BA & Rpt ID XReference |
/PRA/RP_WORKPLACE | Tax & Royalty Reporting Workplace |
/PRA/RSP | Transaction for Responsibility Area |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_ATT | Mass Upload Attribute Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_ATT2 | Mass Upload Attribute Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_DN | Mass Upload DN Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_HIER | Mass Upload Hierarchy Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_LEASE | Mass Upload Lease Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_MP | Mass Upload MP Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_TP | Mass Upload TP Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_USER | Mass Upload User Structure |
/PRA/RSP_UPLD_VDMP | Mass Upload VDMP Structure |
/PRA/RSPFH | Func. Area – Hier. ID XREF |
/PRA/RSPHR | Transaction for Hierarchy Maint. |
/PRA/RSPLP | Responsibility Area List Processing |
/PRA/RSPUG | Transaction for User Group Maintence |
/PRA/RT3_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 TX Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT5_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 OK Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT6_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 WY Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT8_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 NM Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RT9_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 LA Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/RTA_P2_IOOS_WO | CO (21PD) Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/RTA_P2_IOOSWO | Process 2.0 CO (21PD) Write-Off |
/PRA/RTA_P2_OOS_WO | CO Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/RTA_P2_OOSWO | Process 2.0 CO Out-Of_Statue WO |
/PRA/SS0 | Settlement Statement |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/T
/PRA/T3_OOS_WO | Process 2.0 Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T3_TAXID | Process 2.0 Texas Tax Id Xref |
/PRA/T5_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
/PRA/T5_TAXID | Process 2.0 OK Tax Id Xref |
/PRA/T515_OOS_WO | Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maintenance |
/PRA/T6_OPID | Process 2.0 WY Tax Id Xref |
/PRA/T6_WYC_OOS_WO | WY Consv Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T6_WYS_OOS_WO | WY Sev Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T7_MIG_4X11HST | WYGP 2.0 – Migrate 4x11hst t-code |
/PRA/T8_OOS_WO | New Mexico Out-of-Statute Write-Off |
/PRA/T9_ASU | Maintain Louisiana Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/T9_ASUE | Maintain LA Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/T9_DIS_OGP_COMP | OGP Compare Report |
/PRA/T9_DIS_OOSWO | Display LA Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/T9_DIS_RPGDTE | Display Louisiana Gas Report Details |
/PRA/T9_DIS_RPODTD | Display Louisiana Oil Report Details |
/PRA/T9_DIS_RPT_VAR | Louisiana Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/T9_DIS_TAXHST | Display LA Up-to-Date Reported Trans |
/PRA/T9_DIS_TAXTXN | Louisiana Tax Transactions |
/PRA/T9_ISMASTER | Maintain Incentive Master |
/PRA/T9_LEASE | Maintain Louisiana Lease |
/PRA/T9_MASTER | Maintain Louisiana Master |
/PRA/T9_MIGRATION | Tax 2.0 LA – Migration Workbench |
/PRA/T9_OOSWO | LA Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint |
/PRA/T9_P2_OOSWO | LA Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint |
/PRA/T9_PTCXRF | Edit LA Producer / Transporter XRef |
/PRA/T9_SOL | Maintain LA Statute-of-Limitation |
/PRA/T9_SOLE | Maintain Louisiana SOL Exception |
/PRA/T9_UPD_TAXHST | Louisiana Tax History Transactions |
/PRA/T9_UPD_TAXTXN | Louisiana User Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TA_ASU | Maintain Colorado Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/TA_ASUE | Maintain CO Auto-Suspend Exception |
/PRA/TA_DIS_IOOSWO | Show 21PD Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/TA_DIS_ITAXHST | Display CO Up-to-Date Reported Trans |
/PRA/TA_DIS_ITAXTXN | Colorado Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TA_DIS_OOSWO | Display CO Out-of-Statute Write-Offs |
/PRA/TA_DIS_RPT_VAR | Colorado Tax Variance Report |
/PRA/TA_DIS_TAXTXN | Colorado Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TA_IASU | Maintain CO 21PD Auto-Suspend |
/PRA/TA_IASUE | Maintain CO 21PD Auto-Susp Exception |
/PRA/TA_IMIGRATION | Tax 2.0 CO Sev – Migration Workbench |
/PRA/TA_IOOSWO | CO 21PD Out-of-Statute W/O Maint |
/PRA/TA_ISOL | Maintain CO 21PD Statute-of-Limit. |
/PRA/TA_ISOLE | Maintain CO 21PD Statute-of-Limit Ex |
/PRA/TA_LEVY | Maintain Colorado Levy Rate |
/PRA/TA_MIGRATION | Tax 2.0 CO – Migration Workbench |
/PRA/TA_OOSWO | CO Out-of-Statute Write-Off Maint |
/PRA/TA_OPERXREF | Maintain CO Oper. to OGCC Payor Xref |
/PRA/TA_SOL | Maintain CO Statute-of-Limitation |
/PRA/TA_SOLE | Maintain Colorado SOL Exception |
/PRA/TA_UPD_ITAXHST | CO 21PD Tax History Transactions |
/PRA/TA_UPD_ITAXTXN | Colorado 21PD User Tax Transactions |
/PRA/TA_UPD_TAXHST | Colorado Tax History Transactions |
/PRA/TAO | Tax Allocation Override |
/PRA/TEMP_DIS_SHC | Display Special Handling Codes |
/PRA/TEMP_PP_OWN | Maintain Owner Info |
/PRA/TP_CNTRL_RPT | TP Control Report |
/PRA/TP_SUMMRY | Taxes Payable Summary |
/PRA/TP_WO_SETUP | Taxes Payable Write Off Setup |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/VL
/PRA/VL_DA_LOG | Dual Accounting Audit log |
/PRA/VL_FRML_CALC | Formula Calculation |
/PRA/VL_SD_TEMPLATE | Settlement Diversity Template Mgr |
/PRA/VL_SD_WORKPL_M | Migration SD Workplace |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /PRA/WH
/PRA/WH_ADMIN | Annual Reporting Admin Workplace |
/PRA/WH_BL_ENQ | Withholding Inquiry |
/PRA/WH_EN_TYP_REP | Maintain Reportable Entity Types |
/PRA/WH_MANUAL_DATA | Manual Data Entry |
/PRA/WH_OWN_GRP | Owner Group |
/PRA/WH_PORTAL | Annual Reporting Portal |
/PRA/WH_PROC_SEL | Annual Reporting Process Selection |
/PRA/WH_RECON_RPT | Reconciliation Report |
/PRA/WH_SBGRFCMON | Reporting Processing Queue Monitor |
/PRA/WH_STR_WELL | Stripper Well Inquiry |
/PRA/WH_WORKPLACE | Annual Reporting Workplace |
The full will be soon completed with more SAP S/4HANA Tcodes …
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