Here the full list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes or Transaction Codes.
As the list is quite long, it is divided by prefix for easy navigation.
Use the search Box on the page if you are looking for a specific SAP S/4 Hana Tcodes.
Read also Build a Quick Overview of SAP HANA Architecture and Core Data Services (CDS) on SAP HANA – Overview.
Table of Contents
SAP S/4HANA Tcodes /AIF/*
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /AIF/*
/AIF/28000002 | Define Actions |
/AIF/28000003 | Define Checks |
/AIF/28000004 | Define Recordtypes |
/AIF/28000006 | Define Fix Values |
/AIF/28000007 | Define Value Mappings |
/AIF/28000008 | Define Interface |
/AIF/28000009 | ALV Handles for DDIC Structures |
/AIF/28000010 | Define Structure Mapping |
/AIF/28000011 | Define Hash Tables |
/AIF/98000053 | Define Proxy Class |
/AIF/98000061 | Define Interface Variants |
/AIF/98000062 | Define Interface Key Fields |
/AIF/98000063 | Define Interface Variants |
/AIF/98000064 | Assign/Define Actions |
/AIF/98000082 | Define Business Systems |
The other part of SAP S/4Hana Transaction Code starting with /AIF/ is:
/AIF/CORRECTIONS | Correction Report |
/AIF/CUST | Customizing |
/AIF/CUST_COPY | AIF Customizing Copy |
/AIF/CUST_FUNC | Define Custom Functions |
/AIF/CUST_HINTS | Define Custom Hints |
/AIF/CUST_LINK | Define Custom Data Links |
/AIF/CUST_OVERVIEW | Summary Report |
/AIF/CUST_SMAP_COPY | Copy customizing |
/AIF/CUST_TEXT | Define Custom Message Texts |
/AIF/DEL_STRUC_CACHE | Delete Structure Cache |
/AIF/DISPMSGSNAP | AIF Display Snapshot |
/AIF/DOCU | Interface Documentation Tool |
/AIF/EDCHANGES | Error Handling Changes Log |
/AIF/ERR | Monitoring and Error Handling |
/AIF/ERR_BASE | Error Handling Base |
/AIF/GENMSGSNAP | AIF Generate Snapshot |
/AIF/IDOC_GEN | IDoc Structure Generator |
/AIF/IDOC_MASS_GEN | Mass IDoc Struc. and Intf. Generator |
/AIF/IDOC_TEST | Generate Test IDOCs |
/AIF/IDXTBL | Index Table Overview |
/AIF/IF_TRACE | AIF Interface Trace Level |
/AIF/IFB | Interface Builder |
/AIF/IFMON | Interface Monitor |
/AIF/IFTEST | Interface Test Tool |
/AIF/LFA_CHECK_SEND | Read Files from folder; Send to AIF |
/AIF/LFA_UPLOAD_FILE | Upload File to AIF |
/AIF/LOG | Interface Logs |
/AIF/MSG_CAT_ASGN | Assign Message Category |
/AIF/MSG_CAT_DEF | Define Message Category |
/AIF/MSGNOTI | Message overview notification |
/AIF/MYRECIPIENTS | Recipients of Current User |
/AIF/MYTRANSPORTS | AIF Transport Overview |
/AIF/NEWDEVIDS | AIF New Development IDs |
/AIF/NEWDEVPRO | AIF New Development Projects |
/AIF/PERFORMANCE | Performance Tracking |
/AIF/PERS_CGR | Runtime Configuration Group |
/AIF/PERS_DEL | Tcode for message deletion report |
/AIF/PERS_DEL_AUTH | Authorization View for Message Delet |
/AIF/PERS_TBL_GEN | AIF: Table Gen. for Structured Pers. |
/AIF/PERS_TEST | Test Persistence with Flight Booking |
/AIF/RECIPIENTS | Recipients of a User |
/AIF/REP_AC_ASGN | AIF Reprocessing Action Assignment |
/AIF/REP_AC_DEF | AIF Reprocessing Action Definition |
/AIF/RFC_FUNC_GEN | RFC Function Generator |
/AIF/RFC_MASS_GEN | Mass RFC Function Generator |
/AIF/SERIAL_INDEX | Manual Change of External Index |
/AIF/SETUP | AIF Setup |
/AIF/SHOW_BLOCK | File Adapter Log |
/AIF/TEST_BUPA | Business Partner XML Test |
/AIF/TEXT_HINTS | Transport Text of Hints |
/AIF/TJ_CONFIG | Configure Data Transfer |
/AIF/TOPICDEF | AIF Topic Definition |
/AIF/TOPICSTATUS | Maintain Topic ID Status |
/AIF/TOPICSTATUSH | AIF Topic Status History |
/AIF/TOPICSTATUSHALL | AIF Topic Status Complete History |
/AIF/TOPICSTATUSINIT | AIF Initialize Topic Status |
/AIF/TRANSFER | Transfer into AIF persistence |
/AIF/USERATTR | Maintain User Attributes |
/AIF/USERMGR | Switch Topic ID (Topic ID View) |
/AIF/USERMGR2 | Switch Topic ID (User ID View) |
/AIF/VMAP | Value Mapping |
/AIF/VMAP_BASE | Base Transaction for Value Mappings |
/AIF/VPN | Maintain Validity Periods |
/AIF/WET_CONFIG | Configure Event Trigger |
/AIF/WET_GEN | Event Trigger Structure Generator |
/AIF/WET_INF_CONFIG | Configure Interface-Specific Trigger |
/AIF/WET_PRXY_CONFIG | Configure Proxy-Specific Trigger |
/AIF/XML_COMPRESS | Compress existing XML Messages |
/AIF/XML_RESTART | Restart failed XML messages |

SAP S/4HANA Tcodes /AIFX/*
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /AIFX/*
/AIFX/ERR_WEB | Monitoring and Error Handling (Web) |
SAP S/4HANA Tcodes /AIF/*
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /AIF/*
/ATL/6111_CONV | Convert FinKey/FuncArea to 6111 Code |
/ATL/6111_HEADER | Determine Fields for Form 6111 Hdr. |
/ATL/A00 | Asset Accounting Indexing |
/ATL/A01 | Maintain reval. dep. area |
/ATL/A10 | Investment Grant Report |
/ATL/A15 | Depreciation Convertion |
/ATL/A16 | Saving periodic values |
/ATL/A17 | Last Period Posted |
/ATL/A20 | Base Index Calculation |
/ATL/AA_APR_DOC | Investment center – Investment plan |
/ATL/AA_ICR | Investment center – Execution report |
/ATL/ACCOUNTTYPE | account type for uniform reporting |
/ATL/ALLOWED_CHAR | Allowed daybook&check number |
/ATL/ARDATE | Takeover date definition |
/ATL/BANK_PARM | Check Bnk acc. parm. |
/ATL/BOOKD | Book depreciation report |
/ATL/BOOKG | Capital gain for book use S/4HANA |
/ATL/CHCKUPD_RES | Check&upd. residue for bank acc.num. |
/ATL/CHECK_CCARD | Check credit card numbers |
/ATL/CHECK_DIGIT | Add/Check digit |
/ATL/CL | Adds israeli public holydays |
/ATL/DCKP | Check Payment Method for Bank Recon. |
/ATL/DOCTYPE | document’s type SAP vs.Tax authority |
/ATL/DQQ9 | Reconciliation rules |
/ATL/F6111_EXPORT | Export 6111 File |
/ATL/F6111_IMPORT | Import G/L Amounts to Form 6111 |
/ATL/F6111_INPUT | Upload 6111 File |
/ATL/F6111_MANAGE | Form 6111 Field Mapping |
/ATL/FIBP | Maintain FI/BP ind. for Bank Recon. |
/ATL/FOREC | Foreclosures Maintenance |
/ATL/FORGD | Foreclosures Global Data |
/ATL/FORUPD | Foreclosure – payment amount update |
/ATL/GL01 | Index Master |
/ATL/GL02 | Calculation Method |
/ATL/GL03 | Calculation Version Assignment |
/ATL/GL04 | Calculation Version |
/ATL/GLR | Calculation Rules |
/ATL/GLV | Index Values |
/ATL/GLVA | Import Index Value |
/ATL/HEB_DATE | Change Gregorian date to Hebrew date |
/ATL/IC_CLASS | Asset classification |
/ATL/IC_PAR | Investment programs |
/ATL/ILS_LEDGER | ILS Ledger per Company code |
/ATL/KP02 | Return pmnt to customer |
/ATL/KP03 | Return cheque from bank |
/ATL/KP04 | General cashier table |
/ATL/KP05 | Allowed pmnt metods for transfer |
/ATL/KP06 | Subject table for cashier |
/ATL/KP07 | Cashier Balances Report |
/ATL/KP08 | Declaring cashier amounts |
/ATL/KP09 | Cheque report |
/ATL/KP10 | Credit Card report |
/ATL/KP11 | Table of credit card companies |
/ATL/KP12 | Cashier physical location table |
/ATL/KP13 | Table of credit types |
/ATL/KP14 | Table of credit cards deal types |
/ATL/KP15 | Print incoming payment receipt |
/ATL/KP16 | Addition info to house bank table |
/ATL/KP17 | Transfer of cash payments |
/ATL/KP18 | Bank deposit of cash payments |
/ATL/KP19 | Transfer defered cheque to regular |
/ATL/KP20 | Cashing defered cheque |
/ATL/KP22 | Create files to the bank |
/ATL/KP23 | Transfer of payment |
/ATL/KP24 | Bank Deposit of defered cheque |
/ATL/KP25 | Deposit of Credit Card |
/ATL/KP26 | Report of transfer/bank deposit pmnt |
/ATL/KP27 | Update reference of bank deposit pmt |
/ATL/KP28 | Incoming payment entry |
/ATL/KP30 | Manual maintenance |
/ATL/KP31 | Create restrick account table |
/ATL/KP32 | Update restrick account table |
/ATL/KP33 | Cheque control against acc. restrict |
/ATL/KP34 | Delete restrick account table |
/ATL/KP35 | Chasier System Parameters |
/ATL/KP36 | Cashier payment methods table |
/ATL/KP38 | Cashier statement |
/ATL/KP39 | Cashier Balances and transactions |
/ATL/KP40 | Table of incoming pymt entry type |
/ATL/KP41 | Bank deposit of cheque payment |
/ATL/KP42 | Cashier Transactions Report |
/ATL/KP43 | Restore a receipt |
/ATL/KP44 | Reverse bank deposit cheque payment |
/ATL/KP45 | Request & Answer files |
/ATL/KP46 | Request & Answer files structures |
/ATL/KP47 | Credit card interface messages |
/ATL/KP48 | Credit card interface log |
/ATL/KP49 | SHVA currency type |
/ATL/LCHK_VBNKA | Residue & account length maintain. |
/ATL/MAT_MTYPE | Classification of movement type |
/ATL/NOADJ | Adjusted year Y/N |
/ATL/PCN874 | New VAT file |
/ATL/PNCH | Positive/negative changes report |
/ATL/REV | Revaluation |
/ATL/REVIN | Initialization – Revaluation |
/ATL/SD_DOCUMENT | Customizing table for SD documents. |
/ATL/SPELL_AMOUNT | Spell amount example |
/ATL/SUPD | Supplementary depreciaiton report |
/ATL/TAX_PER | Tax percentage |
/ATL/TAXD | Tax depreciation report |
/ATL/TAXG | Capital gain for tax use |
/ATL/TAXU | Tax reserves (US$) |
/ATL/TEKEN_19 | Tax reserve report – Teken 19 |
/ATL/TRAN_TYPE | Transactions type |
/ATL/TRES | Tax reserves report |
/ATL/UNIFILES_UTIL | Transfer unifiles server => cliient. |
/ATL/UPD_SHAAM | First entry date in /atl/shaam |
/ATL/UPLOAD_CUSTTAB | Upload data into customizing tables |
/ATL/UVBN | SD – Set invoice number range |
/ATL/VAT_TRANKEY | Vat transaction keys maintenance |
/ATL/VATRECT1 | NewVAT-classification of record type |
/ATL/VATRECT2 | NewVAT-classification of record type |
/ATL/VATRECT3 | NewVAT-classification of record type |
/ATL/VBLOCK | Explanation : block vendors process |
/ATL/VERSION | About |
/ATL/VK01_46 | Create Wihholding tax file |
/ATL/VK02 | Mass update: Vendors Master Data |
/ATL/VK03 | Update WT in open invoices |
/ATL/VK04 | Update Ex.WT in open invoices |
/ATL/VQ22 | Send File with Vendors to Shaam |
/ATL/VQ23 | Receive File with percent from Shaam |
/ATL/VQZ10 | Withholding Tax Return parameters |
/ATL/VQZ11 | Withholding Tax Returns – Invoice |
/ATL/VQZ12 | Classical WT:Update to previous code |
/ATL/VQZ2 | Classical WT:Update expired tax code |
/ATL/VQZ4 | Maintain WT recipient type |
/ATL/VQZ5 | Extended WT:Update exemption rate |
/ATL/VQZ6 | Maintain secondary currency |
/ATL/VQZ7 | Maintain Shaam % for Ex.WT type&code |
/ATL/VQZ9 | Tools for VAT file & Wthd.Tax File |
/ATL/WT_REPORT_2008 | Create Withholding tax file for 2008 |