Table of Contents
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /ILE/*
/ILE/ANNX_VALUATION | Aannexing Principal Valuation |
/ILE/ANNXWGHT | PO\Contracts for annex updates |
/ILE/AT02 | Transaction activities for annexing |
/ILE/AT21 | Annex Derived flow for principal |
/ILE/B41P | Customer Access Sequens |
/ILE/B9UPD | Update table /atl/tv01f |
/ILE/BV98 | Annexing reference report |
/ILE/BV99 | Annexing Program |
/ILE/CAUD | Annexing data from contract to PO |
/ILE/HASHCAL | Maintain table /ILE/HASHCAL |
/ILE/HASHCAL_BCK | Update new base date. |
/ILE/INSERT_TZFB | Insert value = 4 into tzfb-saufruf |
/ILE/LOAN_COND_A | Maintain annex.pack for loan cond. |
/ILE/LOANDOCLINE | Maintanece of table /ILE/loandocline |
/ILE/MM_BLOCK | Blocking Annexd Purchase docs change |
/ILE/POHIST | PO History |
/ILE/RE_INDEX_UPDATE | Upd. RE Table w/Index & Exch. Rate |
/ILE/REM_CAP_ANN_BAT | Annexing loans remainig capital |
/ILE/REM_CAP_GL_ACC | Maintain Gl acc remaining capital |
/ILE/SIMSD | Simulation query for Sale Orders |
/ILE/TANP | Maintain Annexing Packages |
/ILE/TMP2 | Hide ann pack fields-purchas doc cat |
/ILE/TQZ5 | Maintain Annexd Purchase Order type |
/ILE/TQZ6 | Maintain translation date |
/ILE/TVA5 | Maintain Customer Access Sequence |
/ILE/TVA6 | Maintain Vendor Access Sequence |
/ILE/UPDANN | Update Annex Packages |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /INCMD/* & /ISDFPS/*
/INCMD/BATCH_UPLOAD | Batch Upload for inc master data |
/INCMD/FFFSGEN | Generate FFF Subset |
/INCMD/GRPNR | Number range maintenance: /INCMD/GRP |
/INCMD/ITMNR | Number range maintenance: /INCMD/ITM |
/INCMD/UI | Maintenance of Interchageable groups |
/INCMD/UPLOAD | Upload trans. for inc master data |
/ISDFPS/EQUI_STAT1 | Logistical Mission Support |
/ISDFPS/EQUI_STAT2 | Personal/Functional Equipment |
/ISDFPS/MAT_CONS_LOG | Log for Mass Posting |
/ISDFPS/MAT_CONSUMPT | Material Posting |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /IWBEP/*
/IWBEP/CLEANUP_JOBS | Manage Cleanup Jobs |
/IWBEP/CONF_SERVICE | Configuration for IWBEP services |
/IWBEP/CRE_DEF_JOBS | Create Default SAP GW Cleanup Jobs |
/IWBEP/GLOBAL_CONFIG | Global configuration settings |
/IWBEP/V4_ADMIN | SAP Backend Service Administration |
Read also?SAP NetWeaver Gateway Tcodes : SAP GW Transaction Codes
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes
/IWFND/INIT_CCMS | Initialize SAP Gateway CCMS Context |
/IWFND/MED_SA_ACTIV | Activate system alias based caching |
/IWFND/ROUTING | SAP Gateway Routing Configuration |
/IWFND/SOFTSTATE | Enable or Disable Soft State |
/IWFND/STATS | SAP Gateway Statistics |
/IWFND/V4_ADMIN | SAP Gateway Service Administration |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /IWNGW/ & /IWPGW/
/IWNGW/BEP_NPREG | Register Notification Provider |
/IWNGW/BEP_SET_ALIAS | Enter the SAP Backend System Alias |
/IWNGW/BEP_SET_HUB_D | Enter the SAP Gateway Hub RFC dest |
/IWNGW/H_CACHE_SDATA | Set storing sensitive data on Hub |
/IWNGW/H_CLEAR_CACHE | Clear the hub’s cache |
/IWNGW/H_CLEAR_NOTIF | Clear the notifications for a user |
/IWNGW/H_SMP_DEST | Register SMP Destination |
/IWNGW/HUB_SAP_ALIAS | Manage SAP System Alias |
/IWNGW/VB_REG | Notification provider registry maint |
/IWNGW/VB_REG_P | Notif. provider activation maint |
/IWNGW/VNPUSHP | Push channel activation maint |
/IWNGW/VNPUSHR | Push channel maintenance screen |
/IWPGW/PGW_CTXT_SVC | Process Context Services |
/IWPGW/TGW_TCM_SHMC | TCM Provider – Clear Shared Memory |
Here the list of SAP S/4HANA Tcodes starting with /KJCH1/*
/KJCH1/CRNR | Choai route no. rg assgnmnt and PF |
/KJCH1/CRNRM | No. Range Maintnce: /KJCH1/RT |
/KJCH1/CRRTMM01 | Reference Choai route master create |
/KJCH1/CRTML | Choai route master list |
/KJCH1/CRTMM01 | Choai route master create |
/KJCH1/CRTMM02 | Choai route master change |
/KJCH1/CRTMM03 | Choai route master display |
/KJCH1/CSOC01 | Choai sales order create |
/KJCH1/KRCK | Direct/Indirect shipment indicator |
/KJCH1/RGP1 | Choai route group 1 |
/KJCH1/RGP2 | Choai route group 2 |
/KJCH1/SHRY1 | Shoryu information 1 |
/KJCH1/SHRY2 | Shoryu information 2 |
/KJCH1/SPII | Shipment Information Indicator |
/KJEDM/EDM01 | Maximum batch Identification |
/KJEDM/EDM02 | Batch Inversion Exclusion |
/KJEDM/EDM03 | Common Batch Inversion Action |
/KJEDM/EDM04 | Customer Batch Inversion Exception |
/KJEDM/EDM05 | Material Batch Inversion Exception |
/KJEDM/EDM06 | Document Type Exception Customer |
/KJEDM/EDM07 | SD Document Category Filter |
/KJEDM/EDM08 | Maximum Batch Re-determination |
/KJEDM/EDM09 | Delivery Record Deletion |
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