SAP GRC Courses covers Top online courses for Governance Risk and Compliance in SAP.
First, we will start with a general overview for SAP GRC Training, then a course introducing the principles and Harmonization applied by SAP GRC.
In the Second part, list of courses dealing with Risk Management and another hot topic in GRC BO Access Control with GRC 10.0.
Table of Contents
General SAP GRC Courses
SAP GRC Training

SAP GRC Training
First at all, learning GRC – the most key technology governance skill in an organization. In this Sap course you will study GRC RAR which support SAP functionality for compliance, audit, risk, and governance.
There are very few skills in the organization where you work closely with the CEO / CFO’s of the company on a regular basis. This is the one.
The module is also one of the easy entry points for beginner’s to get into.
You will gain valuable insights into Risk, compliance, control management for an enterprise.
The first section starts with “What is SAP ?” – a short introduction to SAP , basics functionnalities and navigation.
The Second section deals with “What is GRC ?“. It answers the question “What is SAP GRC ? what are the various versions of SAP GRC in the market ?”.
The Third section helps answer “What is Risk, Segregation of Duties concept, Internal controls, SoX act of 2002 ?“. It includes:
- What is risk ? what are Negligence of Sox implications ?
- segregation of duties
- How to manage risk ?
- What is SAP Security ? Why is SAP security complicated ?
- How is the risk matrix constructed in SAP GRC tool ?
- How does SAP GRC address audit painpoints ?
Then Section 4: SAP GRC Suite – Solution brief overview
Also the Section 5:?GRC ARA – Access risk analysis / RAR – Risk analysis and remediation / CC – compliance calibrator
Section 6:?SAP GRC EAM – Emergency access management /SPM – Superuser privilege management / Firefighter / EAM – Emergency access management
The Section 7:?SAP GRC BRM – Business role management/ ERM – Enterprise role management / RE – Role expert
Section 8:?SAP GRC ARM – Access request management / CUP – Compliant user provisioning / Access Manager
The course will end with?Free book download and a short? A quick quiz to test what you have learnt.
Grap this course now: SAP GRC Training
SAP GRC 10.0 – Introduction to Principles and Harmonization

SAP GRC 10.0 – Introduction to Principles and Harmonization
This course covers SAP Governance , Risk and Compliance Introduction, Principles and Harmonization on the lines of the SAP GRC 100 course.
This SAP GRC Courses will deal with:
- Discuss the integrated GRC 10.0 solution and its business benefits
- Describe solution key features and benefits
- Describe solution integrations and their business use
- Explain relevant information architecture, security and authorization topics
- Navigate work centers, assign delegates, and personalize the Work Inbox
- Explain shared master data concepts
- Identify common and component-specific IMG nodes
- Describe project teams and key steps in the functional implementation process
- Use report functionality in the harmonized reporting framework
- Introduce SAP BusinessObjects Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)10.0
- Identify key governance, risk, and compliance processes supported in the GRC 10.0 solution
- Describe key features and business benefits of the integrated solution
- Identify applications that integrate with the GRC 10.0 solution
- Describe the purpose and location of key user interface components
- Discuss harmonized navigation and how authorizations affect what users see
The sections forthis SAP GRC course are:
- Introduction to SAP GRC 10.0
- Information Architecture (IA) , Security and Authorizations
- The GRC 10 User Interface
- Common Functions and data in SAP GRC
- Implementation and Configuration for GRC 10.0
- Reporting in GRC 10.0
You can get this course: SAP GRC 10.0 – Introduction to Principles and Harmonization
Governance Risk and Complaince Topics Online Courses
SAP GRC Risk Management

SAP GRC Risk Management
You should have a?Basic Understanding of SAP GRC in you want to go through this course.
This SAP GCR Course covers:
- Explain how SAP BusinessObjects Risk Management 10.0 supports the Risk Management process
- Demonstrate the functionalities and usage of the different components within SAP BusinessObjects Risk Management 10.0
- Configure and use Key Risk Indicators (KRI)
- Perform scenario and Monte Carlo analysis
- How to Perform inherent and residual risk analysis
- Perform Collaborative Risk Assessment
- Show how to implement SAP BusinessObjects Risk Management following the best practices from SAP
Get this course: SAP GRC Risk Management
SAP GRC BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0
- Although SAP GRC Courses listed above, this SAP GRC Course is more focused how to?Prepare GRC AC 10.0 Certification.

SAP GRC BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0
This SAP GRC courses is designed to fulfill the knowledge required on all level of SAP Security & GRC Consultant. Either you are an business owner or business solution manger this course give you entire overview of SAP GRC Access Control 10. Consultants who are beginner or already known SAP GRC you wants full understanding of SAP GRC AC10? Actually, this is course you are looking for.
May be you already gone though some course or tutorial, but you wanting to know details. Therefore The course explains some of the topics like MSMP and BRF+ with simple steps and easy to understand. If you are preparing for SAP GRC Certification you can refresh your knowledge with this course and also analyses your capacity with sample questions.
This SAP GRC Courses’ sections covers:
- Introduction to GRC
- SAP GRC Components
- Architecture for SAP GRC (?Technical Architecure, UI and GRC Authoirzation)
- SoD Risk Management
- General Configuration Settings
- Synchronizing Repository
- MSMP Workflow
- Business Rules Framework Plus
- Access Risk Analysis
- Emergency Access Management
- Access Request Management
- Business Role Management
You can start prepare your GRC AC 10.0 with SAP GRC BusinessObjects Access Control 10.0.