Trigger IDOC immediately PO is created or updated is a recurrent requirement for business.
This post will explain the main steps to make it happens.
Table of Contents
Trigger IDoc for PO Customizing
Please refer to SAP NACE for more information on NACE Transaction and how to configure an output message.
NACE: Maintain Procedures
The NACE transaction is created to maintain Procedures for output.
Go to NACE Transaction and the application EF for Purchase Order. Open Procedures

Application in SAP NACE
Here the list of Application available in NACE tcode:
CF | Error Control |
CV | Document Management |
E1 | Inbound Delivery |
EA | Purchasing RFQ |
EF | Purchase Order |
EL | Purch. SchAgr. Release |
ES | Entry Sheet |
EV | Purch.Outline Agr. |
K1 | Sales activities |
M1 | Rough Goods Receipt |
MD | Direct Procurement |
ME | Inventory Management |
MR | Invoice Verification |
NF | Nota fiscal |
P1 | Direct Production |
PA | JIT Call |
RD | DBM Automotive |
RE | DBM Putaway Manager |
RS | Automotive |
RW | DI ? Warranty |
V1 | Sales |
V2 | Shipping |
V3 | Billing |
V5 | Groups |
V6 | Handling Units |
V7 | Transport |
VL | Visit List |
WA | Allocation Table |
WB | Retail Promotion |
WE | Labeling |
WN | Free Sett. Rel. Del. |
WR | Agency Business |
WS | Free Sett. Agreem. |
WT | Trading Contract |
Maintain SAP Message Schemas (SPRO)
Go to transaction SPRO and Message Schema for Purchase Order.
In this, navigate as following:
Materials management > Purchasing > Messages > Output control > Message Determination Schemas > Define Message Schema for Purchase Order
Select Assign Schema to Purchase Order and make sure the Procedure RMBEF1 ( or the custom Procedure maintained ) is active

Maintain Output types (NACE)
Here the step by step to follow to create / configure an Output Types :
- Go back to transaction NACE.
- Select ?EF? and click on ?Output types?. Go to NEU
- PS: use NEU Output Type or a copy of NEU .
- Add a new entry in Processing Routines with Transmission Medium EDI
- We can use the standard program RSNASTED with the form EDI_PROCESSING

Maintain Conditions Records for NEU (NACE)
Make sure the partner function is set to
- LS Logical System and
- the partner is the Logical System receiver of the IDoc.
Maintain ALE configuration (WE20)

For Purchase Order, the message type is ORDERS and the IDOC Type ORDERS05
Set Process Code (WE20)
Within the control tab, maintain the process code ME10 with Message Type NEU and application EF

List of SAP Process Code
Here the list of possible value for Process Code in SAP. ( Note that you can create your own Process Code ).
/ISDFPS/ Process Code
/ISDFPS/AD | Company Addresses Infotype 1952 |
/ISDFPS/BOMEQU | Equipment BOM |
/ISDFPS/BOMTPL | Functional Location BOM |
/ISDFPS/CP01 | Change Authorization |
/ISDFPS/CRE1 | CREMAS Vendor Master Data ISDFPS with UPS |
/ISDFPS/DEBM | DEBMAS Customer Master Data ISDFPS with UPS |
/ISDFPS/EL01 | Additional Objects EXPO_LIS |
/ISDFPS/EP01 | Equipment Package |
/ISDFPS/ET01 | Equipment |
/ISDFPS/FC01 | Funds Center |
/ISDFPS/FL01 | Functional Locations |
/ISDFPS/FO01 | Structure Element |
/ISDFPS/KS01 | Cost Center |
/ISDFPS/MC01 | Material Container |
/ISDFPS/MCMCR1 | MC -> MPO Relationships |
/ISDFPS/MD01 | Measurement Documents |
/ISDFPS/MO01 | Material Planning Object |
/ISDFPS/MOMOR1 | MPO Relationships (Plants Sections) |
/ISDFPS/MP01 | PM ? Maintenance Plans |
/ISDFPS/MPL01 | Master Part List |
/ISDFPS/MR01 | Measuring Points |
/ISDFPS/MS01 | Maintenance Strategy |
/ISDFPS/NO01 | Messages |
/ISDFPS/OREL01 | External Dependency |
/ISDFPS/PACK | /ISDFPS/PACKVOR Packing Instructions |
/ISDFPS/PC01 | Profit Center |
/ISDFPS/PR01 | Production Resources and Tools |
/ISDFPS/PS01 | WBS Element |
/ISDFPS/RL01 | Reference Locations |
/ISDFPS/RV01 | Revisions |
/ISDFPS/SG01 | Structure Gap |
/ISDFPS/TC01 | Return Messages |
/ISDFPS/TL01 | PM Task Lists |
/ISDFPS/VP01 | Material Package |
/ISDFPS/V_SE_EP01 | Logistics Requirement (Equipment Package) |
/ISDFPS/V_SE_MC01 | Authorized Materials (Material Container) |
/ISDFPS/V_SE_MP01 | Authorized Materials (Material Planning Object) |
/ISDFPS/V_SE_VP01 | Logistics Requirement (Material Package) |
/ISDFPS/WC01 | Work Centers |
/ISDFPS/WO01 | Maintenance Order |
SAP A* and B*Process Codes
AFSA | AFS inbound article |
ALC2 | Synchron. of cust. data between systems (CONDA2) |
ALEC | Control data adjustment between systems |
ALFW | Forward IDOCs to another system |
APLI | Inbound IDoc: Individual Processing |
APLM | Inbound IDoc: Mass Processing |
ASMO | ASSMOD Assortment module |
AUD1 | ALEAUD processing information for IDocs |
AUD2 | ALEAUD Processing Info Data Replication |
AUDIT_STAT | ALEAUD IDoc Status Without Statistics |
BAPI | Inbound BAPI IDoc: Individual processing |
BAPI_MDM | Inbound BAPI IDoc: Individual processing MDM Vers. |
BAPI_MDM_TA | Inbound BAPI IDoc: Individual processing MDM Vers. |
BAPP | Inbound BAPI IDoc: Packet processing |
BLAC | BLAOCH Purchasing contract change |
BLAO | BLAORD Purchasing contracts |
BLAR | BLAREL Release order doc. for purchasing contr. |
BNRT | Benefits pension schemes |
BOM2 | MDM: Eingang Materialst?ckliste |
BOMD | BOMDOC Document structure |
BOMM | BOMMAT Material BOM |
BOMO | BOMORD sales order BOM |
SAP C*, D* and E*Process Coes
CATT | Application for Automatic Tests |
CHRM | CHRMAS Characteristics |
CLFM | CLFMAS Classification |
CLSM | CLSMAS Classes |
CMRE | Invitation to send TR-CM data |
CMSE | Processing of sent TR-CM data |
CNPM | CNPMAS Configuration profile |
CO01 | BBPCO Incoming Invoice |
COA1 | COACTV Cost center/activity type master data |
COAF | COAFET Request activity type |
COAM | COAMAS Activity type master data |
COCO | COCOKA CO object/cost element master data |
CODC | CODCMT CO document |
COEL | COELEM Cost elements master data |
COG1 | COGRP1 Cost center groups |
COG2 | COGRP2 Cost element groups |
COG3 | COGRP3 Order Groups |
COG5 | COGRP5 Activity type groups |
COG6 | COGRP6 Profit center groups |
COG7 | COGRP7 Business process groups |
COG9 | COGRP9 Account groups (profit center) |
COMM_ITEM | Commitment Item |
CON1 | CONF11 Confirmations in CC1 |
CON2 | CONF21 Confirmations in CC2 time events |
CON4 | CONF31 Confirmations in CC3 time events |
CON5 | CONF32 Confirmations in CC3 wage slips |
CON6 | CONF41 Confirmations in CC4 time events |
CON7 | CONF42 Confirmations in CC4 wage slips |
CON8 | CONF51 confirmations in CC5 kanban |
COND | Conditions: Master data for price determination |
CONF | Confirmation of IDoc processing from application |
COPC | COPCPA Costing data CO-PC -> CO-PA |
COSF | COSFET Request cost center |
COSM | COSMAS Cost center master data |
COTO | COTOTL CO totals records |
CP00 | CP?. Profitability Accounting (COPAGN) |
CRE1 | CREMAS Vendor master data |
CRE2 | MDM: Input Vendor from CRM via IS |
CREA | REMADV Credit Advice |
CREC | CREADV Credit memo display with clearing FI |
CREF | CREFET Get vendor data |
DEB2 | MDM: Input Debitor from CRM via IS |
DEBA | REMADV Debit Advice |
DEBC | DEBADV Debit display with clearing FI |
DEBF | DEBFET Request customer master |
DEBM | DEBMAS Customer master data |
DELI | DELINS Delivery schedule/JIT delivery schedule |
DELO | Delivery order (MAIS Pick-up Sheet) |
DELS | Delivery advice (DESADV with DELVRY01) |
DELV | Delivery (SHPCON + WHSCON with DELVRY01) |
DEPN | DEPNET ? Dependency nets |
DESA | Delivery advice (DESADV with DESADV01) |
DOC2 | DOCMAS Documents for MDM |
DOCM | DOCMAS Documents |
DOLMAS | DOLMAS Object Linking |
DPOD | Acknowledgement of Receipt (POD) |
ECM2 | Change Management: MDM Plug-In Version |
ECMM | Change number |
ECMR | ECMREV : Revision level |
ECM_UPS | Change Management with UPS |
ED00 | Display IDoc using work item |
ED00_XML | Display IDoc using work item (XML) |
ED01 | Process incoming inquiry converted 21 |
ED02 | Process incoming order converted 21 |
ED03 | Process order confirmation converted 2.1 |
ED04 | Process purch.ord.chng. converted 2.1 |
ED05 | Process shipping notification converted 21 |
ED06 | Process invoice receipt MM converted 21 |
ED07 | Process invoice receipt FI converted 21 |
ED08 | Forward IDoc |
EDLN | EDLNOT EDL delivery notes |
EDX_DELS | Delivery advice (DESADV with DELVRY01) |
EDX_INVF | INVOIC FI Invoice receipt (Financial Accounting) |
EDX_INVL | INVOIC MM Logistics invoice verification (MM) |
EDX_ORDC | ORDCHG Change sales order |
EDX_ORDE | ORDERS Create sales order |
EDX_ORDR | ORDRSP Purchase order confirmation |
EKSE | EKSEKS Purchasing doc. for Purchasing Info System |
SAP F*->Q* Process Coes
FI01 | EDI FI: Incoming invoice (<= Rel. 2.2) |
FI04 | Process reference IDoc for payment |
FICH | FIDCCH Change to an FI document |
FID1 | FIDCC1: FI entire documents (Exit 003/004) |
FID2 | FIDCC2: FI entire documents (Exit 005/006) |
FIDC | FIDCMT FI single items |
FINS | FINSTA Account statement |
FIRO | FIROLL G/L rollup |
FMALE_FI | Funds Management: Actual IDocs |
FMALE_OI | Funds Management: Commitment IDocs |
FMEDIOC | BCS Documents |
FTBA | FTDABA: Foreign trade basic data |
FTCO | FTDACO: Customs conditions |
FTCU | FTDACU: Foreign trade customs data |
FTRC | FTRCON Receipt Confirmation for Financial Trans. |
FUNDSCENTER | Funds Center |
GLCO | GLCORE G/L core master data |
GLFE | GLFETC Request G/L accounts |
GLMA | GLMAST G/L account master data |
GLRO | GLROLL FI-SL rollup |
GSVE | GSVERF Credit memo procedure |
HRMD | HR: HR master data organizational data |
HRPA | HRPAY: Transfer FI/CO |
HRSM | External personnel action |
HRSM_D | External personnel action |
HRTR | HRTRVL: Transfer FI/CO |
IMAT | IMATIS Unplanned material issues |
IMEA | IMEASR Measurement readings |
INFR | INFREC Purchase info records |
INTU | INTUPD Notification (or Task) status update |
INVB | BBPIV BBP Invoice Verification |
INVC | INVCON Inventory controlling |
INVF | INVOIC FI Invoice receipt (Financial Accounting) |
INVL | INVOIC MM Logistics invoice verification (MM) |
INVM | INVOIC MM Invoice Verification (Mat. Management) |
IOAU | IOAUPD Order assignment update |
IORU | IORUPD Order (or Operation) status update |
IV01 | BBPIV Incoming Invoice |
KANB | KANBAN call |
KNOM | KNOMAS Global object dependencies |
LCRO | LCROLL Legal consolidation |
LIKO | LIKOND Listing conditions |
LIP0 | LIP? Distributed IS planning |
LOBX | LOCKBX Lockbox |
LPAY | ACLPAY Accounting invoice receipt |
LREC | ACLREC Accounting invoice |
LSTD | Current requirements/stock list |
MAT2 | MDM: Input Material from CRM via IS |
MATF | MATFET Request material |
MATM | MATMAS Material master data |
MDMREQ | MDM Request |
ME01 | Order Confirmation with ORD_ID01 (ME_ORDRSP) |
ORDC | ORDCHG Change sales order |
ORDE | ORDERS Create sales order |
ORDE_BY_WORKFLOW | ORDERS sales order with texts in Workflow |
ORDM | ORDCHG VMI PO creation confirmation (customer) |
ORDR | ORDRSP Purchase order confirmation |
ORDS | ORDRSP SMI Generate/Confirm Purchase Order |
ORDV | ORDRSP VMI generate/confirm purchase order |
PALM | PALMAT Plant assignment for material BOM |
PCRO | PCROLL Profit Center Rollup |
PEXC | PI Incoming Payment Processing Clearing (ERP1.0) |
PEXC_PI | PI Incoming Payment Processing Clearing (ERP 1.0) |
PEXN | IHC Zahlungseingangsverarbeitung (ERP1.0) |
PEXR | Incoming payment processing |
PINW | HRINW Time tickets from Logistics |
PJMM | ACPJMM Accounting goods movement |
PPRS | HRPRS Attendances from Logistics |
PRAC | PROACT Customer stock data and sales data |
PRCF | PRCFET Fetch profit center master record |
PRCM | PRCMAS Profit center master record |
PRDC | PRDCAT basic and structure data product catalog |
PRDP | PRDPOS position data product catalog |
PRICAT | Pricing catalog |
QCERT_IN | Inbound processing for Qality01 |
SAP R*->W* Process Coes
RCLR | RCLROL CO rollup reconcil. ledger |
RCY0 | RCYFET Get recovery objects |
RCY1 | RCYRSP Acknowledge recovery objects |
RCY2 | RCYLST Confirm recovery objects |
REMA | REMADV Payment advice |
REMC | REMADV Payment advice with clearing in FI |
REQO | REQOTE Create customer inquiry |
RSIN | BW: Info IDoc (Status) from Source System |
SBAP | SD credit memo procedure w. autom. posting (SBWAP) |
SBII | Credit memo procedure with invoice creation |
SDPA | SDPACK Shipping unit data confirmation |
SDPI | SDPICK Picking data confirmation |
SERD | SERDAT Control message serialized distribution |
SHIP | SHIPPL External transport planning |
SHPC | Inbound freight planning of carrier |
SHPM | Inbound transport |
SHPT | Shipment tendering |
SISC | SISCSO Sales info: Customer order |
SISD | SISDEL Sales info: Deliver |
SISI | SISINV Sales info: Billing document |
SRCL | SRCLST Source list |
SRVM | SRVMAS : Service master (master data) |
STA1 | Status record from IDoc |
STA2 | Status Record from IDoc; with Function Module |
STTM | STTMAT material variants |
TXT1 | Text message from IDoc as RAW message |
UPSM | ALE distribution unit (MASTER) |
UPSR | ALE distribution unit (RECEIPT) |
VFNM | VFNMAS inbound variant function |
VTAM | VTAMAS Structures from variant tables |
VTMM | VTMMAS Contents of variant tables |
WALR | WALREQ Allocation: Requested quant. confirmation |
WMBB | WMBBIN Lock storage bins |
WMCA | WMCATO Reversal/Reversal request transfer order |
WMI1 | WMINVE Inventory count input |
WMIN | WMINFO Information |
WMMB | WMMBXY IDOC Report goods movements in IM |
WMPH | WMPIHU Assign and Create Pick-HU |
WMSU | WMSUMO Move storage unit |
WMT1 | WMTORD Transfer request |
WMTO | WMTOCO Confirm transfer request |
WMTR | WMTREQ Create/Cancel transfer request |
WPUB | WPUBON Upload sales documents (uncompressed) |
WPUF | WPUFIB Upload accounting documents |
WPUK | WPUKSR Upload cashier data |
WPUP | WPUPAE Price changes |
WPUT | WPUTAB Day-end closing POS |
WPUU | WPUUMS Sales data (compressed) |
WPUW | WPUWBW Goods movements |
WP_E | WP_EAN EAN assignments |
WP_P | WP_PLU Product master |
WTYIC | Warranty: Incoming Applications (IC) |
WTYIV | Warranty: Incoming Applications (IV) |
WVIN | WVINVE Upload actual inventory count dates |