Manufacturing Plants for a SAP material list is some times it is tricky.
In this post, I will explain 2 methods to retrieve the list of Plant who manufacter a Product.
It is the internal Plants to company of course who produce the SAP material.
The First Method is based on SAP Production Order
The second method is based on SAP Plant Data.
Table of Contents
Manufacturing Plants Based on Production Order
The main table to retrieve list of Manufacturing Plants for a SAP material can be found by joining the SAP table MSEG ( for SAP Stock Movement ) and SAP Table AFPO ( for SAP Production Order).
Check this book about Implementing SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME).
First Retrieve the lines from MSEG with:
- Batch number
- Your Material
- Document Year
- Movement Type ( BWART ) set to 101.
With the entrie retrieved, query the SAP AFPO ( Production Order Table ) with the Production Order Numlber AUFNR retrieved from MSEG.
The AFPO gives you the following information:
- AFPO-DWERK : The manufacturing plants
- AFPO-PWERK: The planning Plant
- AFPO-LGORT: The Storage Location
By selecting all the line of MSEG, you can retrieve from the SAP Production Orders historical Data, all the SAP Manufact. for your material.
Check the Different SAP Good Movement Types
Manufacturing Plants Based on Plant data

Manufacturing Plants can be also retrieved from SAP Plant Master Data.
The SAP main tables MARD and MARC give you an overview of the SAP Material Storage location and Plant.
Set the MARC-BESKZ to ‘E’ ( for In-house Production) and execute.
You will have the list of Plants who product the required SAP Materail.
Also, check the table TCO43 which is maintained by the SAP Tcode OPKP.
Read also List of Important SAP SD Tables (Sales and Distribution) and SAP Good Movement Types ? Full list of SAP Movement Types.
Manufacturing Plants Reference
Procurement Types for a Plant (BESKZ)
The list of differents Procurement Type a Plant can have a
- ‘E’ In-house production
- ‘F’ External procurement
- ‘ ?’ No procurement
- ‘X’ Both procurement types
The Values are as Fixed value on BESKZ domain .
Manufacturing Plants related Tables
- TCO43 : PP-SFC order profile
- MARC: Plant Data for Material
- MARD: Storage Location Data for Material
- MSEG: Document Segment: Material
- AFKO: Order header data PP orders