ABAP Program for Application server File is a sample SAP Custom Program to give you an example how file are handled on Application server.
The following ABAP program check if a file exists and create a new file on Application Server .
Sample ABAP Program for Application server File
The main points from this ABAP Sample code are:
Search Help for SAP Folder can be performed with the standard function module /SAPDMC/LSM_F4_SERVER_FILE.
Checking if a file exists on Application server can be do with OPEN DATASET file FOR INPUT IN BINARY MODE.
A sample OPEN DATASET file for OUTPUT to write file on Back-end.
REPORT ZFILE_CREATION_APP. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Create file on Application Server *& if the file exist, it will be deleted and created with new content *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* TABLES : kna1. DATA: lv_file(255). DATA: lt_kna1 TYPE TABLE OF kna1. FIELD-SYMBOLS:LIKE LINE OF lt_kna1. "-----------------------------------------" " Selection Screen "-----------------------------------------" SELECT-OPTIONS: s_kunnr FOR kna1-kunnr. " File Path on Application Server PARAMETERS: p_path TYPE btcxpgpar. "-----------------------------------------" " Help Search for SAP Folder "-----------------------------------------" AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_path. DATA: c_fnh_mask TYPE dxfields-filemask VALUE '*', search_dir TYPE dxfields-longpath . CALL FUNCTION '/SAPDMC/LSM_F4_SERVER_FILE' EXPORTING directory = search_dir filemask = c_fnh_mask IMPORTING serverfile = p_path EXCEPTIONS canceled_by_user = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. "-----------------------------------------" " Processing "-----------------------------------------" START-OF-SELECTION. SELECT * FROM kna1 INTO TABLE lt_kna1 WHERE kunnr IN s_kunnr[]. IF sy-subrc NE 0 . RETURN. ENDIF. " Build FineName CONCATENATE p_path '\' 'Customer' INTO lv_file. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '\\' IN lv_file WITH '\'. " Check if File exists OPEN DATASET lv_file FOR INPUT IN BINARY MODE. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. " If File Exists -> Delete it CLOSE DATASET lv_file. DELETE DATASET lv_file. CLOSE DATASET lv_file. ENDIF. " Open file for Output OPEN DATASET lv_file FOR OUTPUT IN BINARY MODE. IF sy-subrc NE 0 . MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. " Transfer Data to file LOOP AT lt_kna1 ASSIGNING . TRANSFER TO lv_file . ENDLOOP. " Close File CLOSE DATASET lv_file. END-OF-SELECTION. WRITE: lv_file , ' is created' .
This ABAP Program will retrieve a list of Customer from KNA1 and create a file on Application server with the SAP Customer List.

Find the OPEN DATASET documentation on help.sap.com