How to Update Product Hierarchy & Category on SAP CRM will guide through updating (Creation, Updating and Deletion) of SAP CRM Product Category using ABAP Code.
Table of Contents
SAP CRM Product Hierarchy and Category
In this section, the technical information of the SAP CRM Hierarchy and SAP CRM Category is explained.
For SAP CRM Hierarchy, the main SAP CRM Table is : COMM_HIERARCHY for Hierarchy and the main fields are:
- HIERARCHY_GUID: Category Hierarchy GUID
- HIERARCHY_ID : Category Hierarchy ID
For SAP CRM Category, the main Table is COMM_CATEGORY for Category and the main fields are:
- CATEGORY_ID : Category ID
- HIERARCHY_GUID : Category Hierarchy GUID
- PARENT_GUID : Parent Category GUID.
The First step is retrieve the corresponding GUIDs for CATEGORY_ID and HIERARCHY_ID.
SAP CRM Product Category and Hierarchy BAPI
The Two main BAPI to use when dealing with Update Product Category are:
- Read All the Product Categories for a SAP CRM Product
- Update the Product Categories of CRM Product.
Update SAP CRM Product Category ABAP Snippet
This ABAP Code will handle the job to assign SAP CRM Product Categories to a SAP CRM Product.
You can handle the deletion and update with the flag of ls_set_maintain–update_type (D for Deletion and U for Update).
" Data Declaration for Assigning Product Category to Product DATA: lt_set_maintain_old TYPE comt_prod_cat_rel_maintain_tab. DATA: ls_set_maintain_old LIKE LINE OF lt_set_maintain_old. DATA: lt_set_maintain TYPE comt_prod_cat_rel_maintain_tab. DATA: ls_set_maintain LIKE LINE OF lt_set_maintain. DATA: ls_set_maintain_data TYPE comt_prod_cat_rel. DATA: lt_bapiret TYPE bapiret2_tab. DATA: lv_product_guid TYPE product_guid. DATA: lv_new_category_guid TYPE comt_category_guid. DATA: lv_new_category_id TYPE comt_category_id. DATA: lv_new_hierarchy_guid TYPE comt_hierarchy_guid. "@ TO BE DONE : Calculate the new category id & Guid and the SAP CRM Product Category Hierarchy "@ Tables to use: COMM_HIERARCHY and COMM_CATEGORY " Prepare SAP CRM Product Maintain CALL FUNCTION 'COM_PRODUCT_MAINTAIN_READ' EXPORTING iv_product_guid = lv_product_guid EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 internal_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc = 0. Read SAP CRM Assigned Categories CALL FUNCTION 'COM_PROD_CAT_REL_MAINTAIN_READ' EXPORTING iv_product_guid = lv_product_guid IMPORTING et_set_maintain = lt_set_maintain_old EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 * WRONG_CALL = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc = 0. "@ TO BE DONE : Calculate if it is D/U : Deletion or Updating ls_set_maintain-update_type = 'U'. " U works for Update Product Category or Insert Ls_set_maintain_data-category_guid = lv_new_category_guid. Ls_set_maintain_data-hierarchy_guid = lv_new_hierarchy_guid. Ls_set_maintain_data-product_guid = lv_product_guid. Ls_set_maintain_data-category_id = lv_new_category_id. Ls_set_maintain_data-logsys = lv_logsys. Ls_set_maintain-data = ls_set_maintain_data. "Update Product Category CALL FUNCTION 'COM_PROD_CAT_REL_MAINTAIN_UPD' EXPORTING iv_product_guid = lv_product_guid iv_update_type = ls_set_maintain-update_type it_set_maintain = lt_set_maintain IMPORTING et_bapireturn = lt_bapiret EXCEPTIONS internal_error = 1 recateg_failed = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF.
Check more detail. Hierarchy about Assign Product Categories to Products.