ABAP PopUps are rich enough to do different functions.
In this articles, I will try to details the most used Abap Popup window kind with sample SAP ABAP code of course to help you implement it quickly.
Table of Contents
Differents ABAP Popups
Abap Popup to Confirm
This is a an Abap Popup yes no. The return of the PopUp function will be
‘ ‘ for No and J for Yes.
This PopUp can also used as Abap Popup to Confirm Value.
DATA:lv_answer. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_CONTINUE_YES_NO' EXPORTING textline1 = 'Are you sure to leave program ?' titel = 'POPUP_CONTINUE_YES_NO' IMPORTING answer = lv_answer. IF lv_answer = 'J'. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF.

DATA: lv_answer. CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_DATA_LOSS' EXPORTING defaultoption = 'J' titel = 'Exit Program' IMPORTING answer = lv_answer. IF lv_answer = 'J'. LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF..
Others PopUps functions can be used for Abap Popup to display text
Abap Popup with input field Or Value
Abap Popup to inform
Display text/message in PopUp with the function POPUP_TO_INFORM.
CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_INFORM' EXPORTING titel = 'Information' txt1 = 'Information line 1' txt2 = 'Information line 2' txt3 = 'Information line 3' txt4 = 'Information line 4'.

Abap Popup with table display
Display a table in PopUp.
" lt_tab type of any CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_WITH_TABLE_DISPLAY' EXPORTING endpos_col = 80 endpos_row = 25 startpos_col = 1 startpos_row = 1 titletext = 'PopUp Title for Display Table' * IMPORTING * CHOISE = TABLES valuetab = lt_tab EXCEPTIONS break_off = 1 OTHERS = 2
In order to display BAPIRET2 table messages when checking or saving a transaction, I recommend using this C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP
" Types for messages: PopUp Table TYPES: BEGIN OF esp1_message_wa_type, msgid LIKE sy-msgid, msgty LIKE sy-msgty, msgno LIKE sy-msgno, msgv1 LIKE sy-msgv1, msgv2 LIKE sy-msgv2, msgv3 LIKE sy-msgv3, msgv4 LIKE sy-msgv4, lineno LIKE mesg-zeile, END OF esp1_message_wa_type. DATA: lt_message_popup TYPE TABLE OF esp1_message_wa_type. DATA: lt_bapiret_tab TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2. " BAPIRETTAB FIELD-SYMBOLS: like LINE OF lt_bapiret_tab. FIELD-SYMBOLS: like LINE OF lt_message_popup. " Fill lt_bapiret_tab with Transaction return " Prepare Table for PopUP LOOP AT lt_bapiret_tab ASSIGNING WHERE type is NOT INITIAL. " avoid dumb for none relevant message APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_message_popup ASSIGNING . -msgty = -type . -msgid = -id . -msgno = -number . -msgv1 = -message_v1 . -msgv2 = -message_v2 . -msgv3 = -message_v3 . -msgv4 = -message_v4 . -lineno = sy-tabix. ENDLOOP. " Call the PopUp Table IF NOT lt_message_popup[] IS INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP' TABLES i_message_tab = lt_message_popup[]. ENDIF.
Display SLG1 log Like PopUp in ABAP
To Display a SLG1 log in a Popup in ABAP used the standard function OXT_MESSAGE_TO_POPUP
When digging into OXT_MESSAGE_TO_POPUP, the core is based on the other more commun function BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY used in displaying log.
The input for OXT_MESSAGE_TO_POPUP is a table typed BAPIRETTAB.
Display popup screen within ABAP Web dynpro
Check this post about PoPUp in WebDynPro ABAP
ABAP PopUps Programs Sample
Check these standard ABAP Programs to find more about PopUp in SAP. These sample programs focus how to display to Log ( SLG1 ).
SAP develops a cool option for both these programs to display Tables in PopUp in Grid Mode
Actually, the standard use the display profile parameter while calling BAL_DSP_LOG_DISPLAY.
" use grid for display if wanted ls_display_profile-use_grid = p_grid. " 'X' or ' '