EDI Code helps defining the type of EDI transferred document to SAP ( or to any other systems).
In this post, you will find the mapping for the most used SAP EDI Transactions to SAP Message Type and SAP IDocs.
Finding the Edi message types in sap will be an easy task for you.
EDI Message Type Code 204
EDI 204 is for Motor carrier shipment information
The logical message is SHPMNT or IFTMIN, the IDoc type SHPMNT03.
Check also the list of EDI in SAP EDI transactions: List of EDI Codes.
EDI 214
EDI 214 is for Transportation carrier shipment status message
The logical message is TRXSTA, the IDoc type TRXSTA01. Inbound processing is supported.
EDI 304
EDI Code 304 is for Shipping instructions
The SAP EDI message types is SHPMNT or IFTMIN, the IDoc type SHPMNT03.
EDI 810
EDI 810 is for Invoice or billing document (check also 880),
The SAP EDI message types is INVOIC, the IDoc type INVOIC01.
EDI Code 812
EDI Code 812 is for Credit and debit advice
The logical messages are CREADV or DEBADV, the IDoc types PEXR2001 and PEXR2002.
EDI Code 820
EDI Code 820 is for Payment order and credit advice
“For the payment order, the logical message is PAYEXT (REMADV), the IDoc types PEXR2001 and PEXR2002.
For the credit advice (ERS – Evaluated Receipt Settlement), the logical message is GSVERF, the IDoc type GSVERF01.”
EDI 823
EDI Code 823 is for Lock box.
The logical message is LOCKBX, the IDoc type FINSTA01. Inbound processing is supported.
EDI 830
Delivery schedule (LAB)
The logical message is DELINS (from the EDI standard ODETTE) or DELFOR, the IDoc type is DELFOR01.
EDI 832
EDI Code 832 is forPrice catalog (check also 879, 888, 889)
The logical message is PRICAT, the IDoc type PRICAT01. Outbound processing is supported.
EDI 834
EDI Code 834 is for Benefit enrollment and maintenance
The logical message is BENREP, the IDoc type BENEFIT1. Outbound processing is supported.
EDI 840
EDI Code 840 is for Request
The logical message is REQOTE, the IDoc types ORDERS01 to ORDERS04.
EDI 843
EDI Code 843 is for Quotation
The logical message is QUOTES, the IDoc types ORDERS01 to ORDERS05. Outbound processing is supported.
EDI 850
EDI Code 850 is for Purchase order or order (also 875)
The logical message is ORDERS, the IDoc types ORDERS01 to ORDERS05.
EDI 852
EDI Code 850 is for Stock and sale data
The SAP EDI message types is PROACT, the IDoc type PROACT01.
EDI 855
EDI 855 is for Ordering or order response (also 865)
The logical message is ORDRSP, the IDoc types ORDERS01 to ORDERS05.
EDI 856
EDI 856 is for Transport and shipping notification (ASN – Advanced Ship Notification)
- For transport in the SAP application,
- the logical message is SHPMNT or SHPADV,
- the IDoc types SHPMNT01 to SHPMNT03.
- For delivery in the SAP application,
- the logical message is DESADV,
- the IDoc types are DESADV01 (expires) or DELVRY01 and DELVRY02.
EDI 860
EDI Code 860 is for Ordering or order modification (same as EDI 876)
The SAP EDI message types is ORDCHG, the IDoc types ORDERS01 to ORDERS05.
EDI 861
EDI Code 861 is for Credit advice (ERS – Evaluated Receipt Settlement)
The logical message is GSVERF, the IDoc type GSVERF01.
EDI 862
EDI Code 862 is for delivery schedule (FAB)
The logical message is DELINS or DELJIT, the IDoc type is DELFOR01.
EDI 864
EDI Code 864 is for Text message
The logical message is TXTRAW, the IDoc type TXTRAW01. Inbound processing is supported.
EDI 940
EDI 940 is for Shipping order and stock order
The logical message is SHPORD or WHSORD, the IDOC type DELVRY01.
EDI 945
EDI 945 is for Shipping confirmation and stock confirmation
The SAP EDI message types is SHPCON or WHSCON, the IDoc type DELVRY01.
EDI 997
EDI 997 is for Functional Acknowledgment
This is a technical confirmation. This is not exchanged via an individual message but the status report for IDoc processing.
The status values used are:
- 22 Shipping OK, acknowledgment has yet to come
- 16 Functional Acknowledgment positive
- 17 Functional Acknowledgment negative
- 14 and 15 are available for the Interchange Acknowledgment accordingly.

For the full list, check Common EDI Transactions, Sets, & Codes