SAP Attachment: The following ABAP program sample is optimized to Mass extraction of SAP Attachments (GOS) for Sales Documents.
SAP Mass Attachments Extraction using ABAP.
The same ABAP Code can be user to mass extract Attachment for
The original post isSAP GOS Attachment Technical
Table of Contents
SAP Attachment : Miscellaneous Tips
Search Help for Directory Selection
The methodcl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse offers to select a folder from presentation server ( local ).
The result SELECTED_FOLDER is the full path for a local directory.
Check if a file exists on presentation Server
The method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_exist checks if a file exists locally ( on presentation server).
The result is initial if the file dosn’t exist.
Jump to the new ABAP Programming, check the following book: Mastering SAP ABAP: A complete guide to developing fast, durable, and maintainable ABAP programs in SAP
SAP Functions Modules Used for SAP Attachment
Here the list of the main SAP Function Modules & Methods used below in order to extract and to download Attachment
This standard Method cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse will retrieve list of local (desktop) folder.
In the most of cases, it is used to select a folder at presentation server as help search for local Directory Search .
This method cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_exist checks if a file exists already .
SO_OBJECT_DOWNLOAD function module will create a file from internal table in SAP to a given pathname.
ABAP Code for SAP Attachment Mass extraction
Let’s start with the Data declaration we need to Extract Attachment:
*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZATTACHMENT_MASS_EXT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Mass extraction of SAP Attachment for Sales Document *& Files will be download to local directory *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT Zattachment_mass_ext. TABLES: vbak. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_vbeln, vbeln TYPE vbeln, instid_b LIKE srgbtbrel-instid_b, END OF ty_vbeln. DATA: BEGIN OF sood_tab OCCURS 0, objtp LIKE sood-objtp, objyr LIKE sood-objyr, objno LIKE sood-objno, objdes LIKE sood-objdes, file_ext LIKE sood-file_ext, objlen LIKE sood-objlen, extct LIKE sood-extct, END OF sood_tab. DATA: lt_vbeln TYPE TABLE OF ty_vbeln. DATA: bin_filesize LIKE soxwd-doc_length. DATA: bakfilename_g LIKE rlgrap-filename. DATA: soc3key_g LIKE soc3-srtfd. DATA: lv_file TYPE string. DATA: lv_vbeln TYPE string. DATA objcont_tab LIKE soli OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: l_result TYPE c, l_datfilename TYPE string, rtcode_g LIKE sy-subrc. FIELD-SYMBOLS: LIKE LINE OF sood_tab. FIELD-SYMBOLS: LIKE LINE OF lt_vbeln.
The second step is to define the Select Screen
SELECT-OPTIONS: s_erdat FOR vbak-erdat. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_vbeln FOR vbak-vbeln. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ktaar FOR vbak-ktaar. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_vkorg FOR vbak-vkorg. PARAMETERS: p_lpath LIKE rlgrap-filename DEFAULT 'C:'. " Help Search for Local Directory search AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_lpath. DATA : lv_folder TYPE string. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse EXPORTING window_title = 'Please Select a destination folder' initial_folder = 'C:' CHANGING selected_folder = lv_folder. p_lpath = lv_folder . CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
The last step is the extraction of SAP Attachments:
START-OF-SELECTION. " Retrieve list of SAP Attachment SELECT vbak~vbeln srgbtbrel~instid_b FROM srgbtbrel AS srgbtbrel INNER JOIN vbak AS vbak ON vbak~vbeln = srgbtbrel~instid_a APPENDING TABLE lt_vbeln PACKAGE SIZE 5000 WHERE vbak~vbeln IN s_vbeln[] AND vbak~erdat IN s_erdat[] AND vbak~ktaar IN s_ktaar[] AND vbak~vkorg IN s_vkorg[] AND vbak~kunnr IN s_kunnr[] AND ( vbak~trvog = 'A' OR vbak~trvog = '9' ) AND srgbtbrel~reltype = 'ATTA' AND ( srgbtbrel~typeid_a = 'BUSXXX' OR srgbtbrel~typeid_a = 'BUSXXX' ) AND srgbtbrel~typeid_b = 'MESSAGE'. ENDSELECT. CHECK lt_vbeln[] IS NOT INITIAL. SORT lt_vbeln BY instid_b. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM lt_vbeln COMPARING instid_b. " Retrieve File Attributs of SAP Attachments SELECT objtp objyr objno objdes file_ext objlen extct APPENDING TABLE sood_tab FROM sood PACKAGE SIZE 5000 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_vbeln WHERE objtp = lt_vbeln-instid_b+17(3) AND objyr = lt_vbeln-instid_b+20(2) AND objno = lt_vbeln-instid_b+22(12). ENDSELECT. CHECK sood_tab[] IS NOT INITIAL. SORT sood_tab BY objtp objyr objno. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM sood_tab COMPARING objtp objyr objno. LOOP AT sood_tab ASSIGNING WHERE objlen GT 0. REFRESH objcont_tab[]. CLEAR: lv_vbeln, l_result , l_datfilename, lv_file, bin_filesize, bakfilename_g, lv_file, soc3key_g. " Check VBELN LOOP AT lt_vbeln ASSIGNING WHERE instid_b+17(3) = -objtp AND instid_b+20(2) = -objyr AND instid_b+22(12) = -objno. lv_vbeln = -vbeln. EXIT. ENDLOOP. IF lv_vbeln IS INITIAL . CONTINUE. ENDIF. " Build File Name for SAP Attachment CONCATENATE lv_vbeln '_' -objdes '.' -file_ext INTO lv_file. CONDENSE lv_file NO-GAPS. " Replace unsupported caracters in windows filename REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN lv_file WITH '_'. " for example IF p_local = 'X'. CONCATENATE p_lpath '' lv_file INTO lv_file. ENDIF. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '' IN lv_file WITH ''. " Check if file exist l_datfilename = lv_file. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_exist EXPORTING file = l_datfilename RECEIVING result = l_result EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. IF l_result IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_return ASSIGNING . -type = 'I'. -number = 'XXX'. -id = 'ZMSG'. -message_v1 = lv_file. CONCATENATE lv_file 'already exists' INTO -message SEPARATED BY space. CONTINUE. ENDIF. " Build SAP Attachment Key CONCATENATE -objtp -objyr -objno INTO soc3key_g. IMPORT objcont_tab FROM DATABASE soc3(dt) ID soc3key_g. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. bin_filesize = -objlen. bakfilename_g = lv_file. " Download SAP Attachment CALL FUNCTION 'SO_OBJECT_DOWNLOAD' EXPORTING bin_filesize = bin_filesize filetype = 'BIN' path_and_file = bakfilename_g extct = -extct no_dialog = 'X' TABLES objcont = objcont_tab EXCEPTIONS file_write_error = 1 invalid_type = 2 x_error = 3 kpro_error = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc = 0. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_return ASSIGNING . -type = 'S'. -number = '000'. -id = 'ZXXX'. -message_v1 = lv_file. CONCATENATE lv_file 'SAP Attachment cannot be extracted' INTO -message SEPARATED BY space. CONTINUE. ELSE. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_return ASSIGNING . CALL FUNCTION 'BALW_BAPIRETURN_GET2' EXPORTING type = sy-msgty cl = sy-msgid number = sy-msgno par1 = sy-msgv1 par2 = sy-msgv2 par3 = sy-msgv3 par4 = sy-msgv4 IMPORTING return = . CONTINUE. ENDIF. ENDIF. REFRESH objcont_tab[]. ENDLOOP. REFRESH objcont_tab[]. REFRESH lt_vbeln[].