SAP PM Tables relationship Diagram (PDF)

Dampfturbine Laeufer01

SAP PM Tables Relationship will help you go through the complex SAP Tables landscape of SAP PM.

Here the SAP PM Tables relationship with fields join between relevant Plant Maintenance tables in SAP.

SAP Plant Maintenance?module consists of key activities to include inspection, notifications, corrective and preventive maintenance, repairs, and other measures to maintain an ideal technical system.

SAP PM Main Tables Join

The list of SAP PM Table groups covered by the diagram

Equipment TablesEQUNR
Functional LocationsILOAN
Measurement DocumentMPOBJ
Maintenance NotificationQMNUM
Service NotificationQMNUM)
Maintenance and Service OrdersAUFNR)
Maintenance PlanWARPL

Check this post for SAP PM Main Tables and SAP Equipment Tables ? Main List of Equipment Tables in SAP.

SAP PM Tables relationship PDF

I find the following picture of relationship between SAP PM Tables with keys and relations.
It is very interesting if trying to get some specific data.

You can also download the Diagram of SAP PM Main Tables (the same as the picture) in PDF.

(PS: I didn’t make the PDF, all right for the owner of the email in PDF )

Find the whole documentation about SAP Plant Maintenance (PM)