SAP VIM Menu: In OpenText Vendor Invoice Management solution for SAP, SAP VIM offers a complete SAP VIM Menu with all relevants shortcuts to SAP VIM Tcodes.
In this post, The SAP VIM Menu will be detail.
Refer to these posts for more detail about SAP VIM
Table of Contents
SAP VIM Menu Tcodes
DP Document
This section regroups all relevant actions for DP document and shorcuts to testing programs for OCR and non OCR scenario :
VIM Functionality | Tcodes | Description |
DP Document | /OPT/VIM_7AX8 | ICC Admin Tool |
DP Document | /OPT/VIM_1AX13 | Display DP Document |
DP Document | /OPT/VIM_7AX1 | Non?OCR Scenario |
DP Document | /OPT/VIM_7AX2 | OCR Scenario |
This section helps managing VIM agent and SAP user. There are Roles and Organization maintenance SAP tcodes shortcuts.
Topic | SubTopic | Tcodes | Description |
Roles | /OPT/CP_T914 | Link Product code and Object type | |
Roles | /OPT/CP_9CX2 | Template Maintenance | |
Roles | /OPT/CP_9CX5 | Role Maintenance | |
Roles | /OPT/CP_9CX4 | Simple Mode Role Maintenance | |
Roles | /PTGWFI/ORG | Org Maintenance Utility | |
Roles | /OPT/CP_9CX10 | Fail_Safe Role Maintenance | |
Roles | /OPT/VIM_ROLETEST | Role Test Utility | |
Roles | Invoice Approvals | /OPT/VIM_7CX1 | Chart of Authority Maintenance |
Roles | Invoice Approvals | /OPT/BL_APR_CONF | Coder/Approver Options Configuration |
Check also this post about?Retrieve SAP VIM Default Approval from the Cost Center?based on SAP VIM Roles.
WF Admininstration
This section is for Workflow Administation important SAP VIM tcodes
Topic | Tcodes | Description |
WF | /ORS/UMREASSIGNED | Reassignment Utility |
WF | SWI1 | Workflow Log |
WF | /OPT/REMINDER | Reminders Program |
WF | /PTGWFI/M_LANG | WI text update Utility |
WF | SM30 | General Global Customizing settings |
Runtime Tools
This SAP VIM Area covers Vim Runtine Tools
Topic | ?Tcodes | Description |
Runtime | /OPT/VIM_ROLETEST | Role Test Utility |
Runtime | /OPT/VIM_TEST_ACTION? | Process option Test Utility |
Within the most important SAP VIM functionnality is the Reporting.
The most important tcodes for Reporting in Vendor Invoice Management are:
SAP VIM OpenText offers two kind of reporting:
Periodic Processing
For Periodic Processing in OpenText VIM, check the following SAP Tcodes
Topic | ?Frequency | Tcodes | Description |
Periodic | Year End Run | /OPT/VIM_YEND_PO | Year End Report Run |
Periodic | Year End Run | /OPT/VIM_YEND_NPO | Year End Report Run |
Periodic | Year End Run | /OPT/VIM_YEND_LOG | Year End Run Log |
Periodic | Month End Run | /OPT/VIM_MEND_PO | ?Month End Report Run |
Periodic | Month End Run | /OPT/VIM_MEND_NPO | Month End Report Run |
Periodic | /OPT/VIM_ANALYTICS? | VIM Analytics | |
Periodic | /OPT/VAN_LIABILITY? | Current Liability Report |
Central Reporting
Topic Tcodes Description Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_IIC Integrated Invoice Cockpit Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_AGING Aging Report Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_SUMM Summary Report Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_AUDIT Audit Report Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_EXCP1 Exception Analysis Report Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_KPA1 Key Process Analytics Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_LICENSE License Report Central Reporting /OPT/VIM_PROD1 Productivity Report
check?How to Extend Integrated Invoice SAP VIM Integrated Invoice Cockpit
This SAP VIM Menu section regroups all SAP Tcodes for OpenText Customizing:
Topic Tcodes Description VIM Customization /OPT/SPRO OpenText Customization VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_8CX50 Notification Configuration VIM Customization SPRO SAP Customization VIM Customization SWL1 Dynamic Column Customization (General) VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_BL_VAUD Vendor Audit List Configuration VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_BL_UTLV Utility Vendors VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_BL_POAP PO Invoice Approval Configuration VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_BL_PTX Tax Audit Configuration for PO Invoices VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_BL_NPTX Tax Audit Configuration for NPO Invoices VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_BL_TAX_CFG Tax Code Determination Configuration VIM Customization /OPT/VIM_BL_TRIV Maintain Triangulation Vendors
The SAP VIM Tcode for?Open Text: Central Reporting Baseline Activation Utility is
/OPT/VIM_SYS_ACTIV Central Reporting Baseline Activation Utility
This section covers some SAP Tcodes cross-SAP but usefull for SAP VIM
- SE80 SAPobject Browser
- PFTC Workflow browser
- SO10 Text Object Browser
How to launch SAP VIM Menu
SAP VIM Menu for OpenText can be launched by going to transaction area and set /N/OPT/VIM
The SAP VIM Menu will displayed like following and classified by Topics and Subtopics.