SAP Info Record Table, Tcodes and Report regroup all the important elements you need to know when you deal with Purchasing Info Record.
First we will list the main Table for purchasing Info Record, then the list of important Infot record transaction code and finally, you will find the standard report for info Record.
Table of Contents
Purchase Info Record Definition
Let’s start by some definitions to introduce Purchase Info Record in SAP and Source List before listing tables, Tcodes and Report.
What’s SAP Purchase Info Record ?
“Serves as a source of information for Purchasing. The purchasing info record (also referred to in abbreviated form as the “info record”) contains information on a specific material and a vendor supplying the material.
For example, the vendor’s current pricing is stored in the info record.
The info record allows buyers to quickly determine:
- Which materials have been previously offered or supplied by a specific vendor
- Which vendors have offered or supplied a specific material”
source Purchasing Info Record
What’s Source List in SAP ?

“The source list is used in the administration of sources of supply. It specifies the allowed (and disallowed) sources of a material for a certain plant within a predefined period.
Each source is defined by means of a source list record. The source list serves:
- To define a source of supply as “fixed”. Such sources count as preferred sources over a certain period of time.
(For example, the fixed vendor for material 1 is Acme Corp. for the first quarter and Zenith Co. for the second quarter of the year.) - To define a source of supply as “blocked”.
(This means, for example, that contract 123 may not be used for a certain period of time.) - As an aid in selecting the preferred source during the source determination process.
(For example, the vendor Zenith Co. is determined as the source for an item of a requisition dated 15 th June relating to material 1.) - To block the external procurement of a material.
(For example, material 1 may not be ordered from 01.01.98 to 12.31.98.)”
Source Source List
SAP Info Record Table
The most important Purchasing Info Record Tables in SAP for Purchasing are:
EINE | Purchasing info record: Purchasing Organization Data MM |
EINA | Purchasing info record: General Data MM ? Purchasing |
EIPA | Order Price History: Info Record |
EORD | Purchasing Source List |
KONP | Condition Item |
KONH | Condition Header |
A017 | Material Info Record (Plant-Specific) |
A018 | Material Info Record |
Some Thoughts about the SAP Info Record Tables for Material Purchasing:
- The main table for Info Record is EINE
- EIPA stores the Info Record History
- A017 / A018 and KONP table is used for enquiry & quotation records.
- Neither EINE nor EIPA are the right table as they don’t keep the time-dependent pricing condition values
EINE Table Key Fields
The key fields for EINE Purchasing info record: Purchasing Organization Data MM are:
- INFNR – Number of Purchasing Info Record
- EKORG – Purchasing Organization
- ESOKZ – Purchasing info record category
- WERKS – Plant
EINA Table important Fields
In EINA Purchasing info record: General Data MM – Purchasing, you will find the info record by
- INFNR– Number of Purchasing Info Record
- MATNR– Material Number
- MATKL – Material Group
- LIFNR– Vendor Account Number
Source List Tables in SAP : EORD
As noted above, the Source List Tables in SAP is EORD.
If you are looking for change of Source List, check both tables CDHDR and CDPOS for change document with key EORD.
The keys for EORD are:
- MATNR – Material Number
- WERKS – Plant
- ZEORD – Number of Source List Record
SAP Info Recort Transaction
The most important Purchase Info Record Transaction codes in SAP are:
ME01 | Maintain Source List |
ME03 | Display Source List |
ME04 | Changes to Source List |
ME05 | Generate Source List |
ME06 | Analyze Source List |
ME07 | Reorganize Source List |
ME08 | Send Source List |
ME0M | Source List for Material |
ME11 | Create Purchasing Info Record |
ME12 | Change Purchasing Info Record |
ME13 | Display Purchasing Info Record |
ME14 | Changes to Purchasing Info Record |
ME15 | Flag Purch. Info Rec. for Deletion |
ME16 | Purchasing Info Recs. for Deletion |
ME17 | Archive Info Records |
ME18 | Send Purchasing Info Record |
ME1A | Archived Purchasing Info Records |
ME1B | Redetermine Info Record Price |
ME1E | Quotation Price History |
ME1L | Info Records per Vendor |
ME1M | Info Records per Material |
ME1P | Purchase Order Price History |
ME1W | Info Records per Material Group |
ME1X | Buyer’s Negotiation Sheet for Vendor |
ME1Y | Buyer’s Negotiat. Sheet for Material |
Source List Tcodes in SAP
The main Source List Transaction code for purchasing in SAP MM are:
ME01 | Maintain Source List |
ME03 | Display Source List |
ME04 | Changes to Source List |
ME05 | Generate Source List |
ME06 | Analyze Source List |
ME07 | Reorganize Source List |
ME08 | Send Source List |
ME0M | Source List for Material |
ME25 | Create PO with Source Determination |
ME56 | Assign Source to Purch. Requisition |
SAP Info Record Tcodes for SAP QM ( Quality Management )
In SAP QM, the main tcodes for Info Record are:
QI01 | Create |
QI02 | Change |
QI03 | Display |
Creation of Purchase Info Record
Logistics => Material Management => Purchasing => Master Data => Info Record => Create
TCode: ME11
Automatic Creation of Source List
Go to MM02 and select the Purchasing Tab. If you check the field “Source List”, Source List will be automatically created.
Manual Creation of Source List
Logistics => Material Management => Purchasing => Master Data => Source List => Maintain
TCode: ME01
Check this interesting article about Purchasing in SAP MM
SAP Purchase Info Record Report
Using the SAP Info Record Tcodes above, you will be able to find the most fitted Report to your requirment.
Meanwhile, here some interesting purchase info record report in sap you may consider:
- Standard Vendor Info Record Report (tcode ME1L)
- ME1M – Display by material
- ME1L – Display by Vendor
- ME1N – Display by Document Number