The Most Useful SAP Fiori Tcodes List and SAP Fiori Launch Pad Tcode

List of the most Useful SAP Fiori Tcodes SAP Fiori Transactions Code

Find the list of the most important SAP Fiori Tcodes with others very useful SAP Transaction Codes related to Fiori Development & Fiori Configuration …

Then we will Interesting SAP none Fiori Tcodes and Finally How to Launch SAP Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) with different ways.

List of Useful SAP Fiori Tcodes

Here the list of the most important SAP Fiori Tcodes:

/UI2/CACHE_DELDelete cache entries
/UI2/CHIPChip Registration
/UI2/CUSTCustomizing of UI Technologies
/UI2/FLCFiori Launchpad Checks
/UI2/FLIAFiori Launchpad Intent Analyis
/UI2/FLPSAP Fiori Launchpad
/UI2/FLP_CONTCHECKFiori Launchpad : Content Checks
/UI2/FLP_INTENTCHECKFiori Launchpad : Intent Checks
/UI2/FLPD_CONFFiori Launchpad Designer (cross-client)
/UI2/FLPD_CUSTFiori Launchpad Designer (client-specific)

Read alsoSAP Fiori Approval for VIM (Vendor Invoice Managment).

Related SAP Fiori Transactions Codes

Here more Fiori Transaction Code in SAP:

/UI2/GW_APPS_LOGGateway : Application Log
/UI2/GW_ERR_LOGGateway : Error Log
/UI2/GW_MAINT_SRVGateway : Service Maintenance
/UI2/GW_SYS_ALIASGateway : Manage SAP System Alias
/UI2/NAVRegister navigation objects
/UI2/NAVPROVDefine navigation provider

Here a full list of SAP Netweaver Gateway Tcodes – SAP GW Transaction Codes.

Interesting SAP none Fiori Tcodes

When you are working on Fiori, you may use other useful transactions such as:

/UI2/NWBC_CFG_CUSTNWBC Configuration (Customer)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_CUSTNWBC Config: Define Parameter (Cust)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_P_SAPNWBC Config: Define Parameter (SAP)
/UI2/NWBC_CFG_SAPNWBC Configuration (SAP)
/UI2/PERS_DELCleanup Personalisatation Service
/UI2/POWLRegister POWL for OData consumption
/UI2/SEMOBJDefine Semantic Object : Customer
/UI2/SEMOBJ_SAPDefine Semantic Object : SAP

Find more SAP Fiori Transaction on

How to Launch SAP Fiori Launch Pad (FLP) ?

SAP Fiori Launchpad is the entry point to access all standard and custom SAP Fiori apps on desktop and mobile devices.

1- Call Fiori Launch Pad Address:

The default address of SAP Fiori Launch Pas is https://:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/FioriLaunchpad.html

Where is the address of your system server and is the port on which the FLP is deployed.

2- Launch the SAP Fiori Launch Pad Tcode /UI2/FLP

The second method, if you have access to SAP GUI, is to launch the dedicated Tcode for FLP : /UI2/FLP

Going Further with SAP Fiori and Transaction Code

How to Enable Transaction in Fiori LaunchPad

Here Step-by-step guide to enable Transactions in Fiori Launchpad using Application Descriptors in S/4HANA 1610 On-Premise

Step-by-step guide to enable Transactions in Fiori Launchpad using Application Descriptors in S/4HANA 1610 On-Premise