What the 3 different Types of Tables in SAP ? (Transparent, Pool and Cluster)

What the different Types of tables in SAP ? Actually in SAP Database Tables there are 3 main types of SAP Tables: Transparent Tables, Pool and Cluster.

Let’s explain each SAP Table Type. Once you got an idea about SAP Database tables, we will move to types of SAP internal tables.

Types of Tables in SAP

SAP Transparent Tables

The first type of standard Types of Tables in SAP is Transparent tables. Here the main features for Transparent Tables:

  • Contain a single table. Used to store master data
  • It has a one-to-one relationship with a table in the database
  • For each transparent table there is one associated table in the database
  • The database table has the same name, same number of fields and the fields have the same names
  • There is only a single table
  • Single table can have one or more primary key
  • Secondary indexes can be created
  • They can be accessed using open and native SQL

Examples of standard Transport Tables: BKPF, VBAK, VBAP, KNA1, COEP…

Use of Transparent Table in SAP

They are used to hold master data e.g. Table vendors or table of customers. Example of transaction data is orders placed by customers

Pool Tables in SAP

The second type of standard Types of Tables in SAP is Pooled tables. Here the main features for SAP Pool Tables:

  • They are used to hold a large number of very small tables(stores customizing data or system data)
  • It has a many-to-one relationship with a table in the database
  • It is stored with other pooled tables in a single table called table pool in the database
  • The database table has different name, different number of fields and fields have different names
  • Table pools contain more tables than table clusters
  • Primary key of each table does not begin with same fields or fields
  • Secondary indexes cannot be created
  • They can be accessed using open SQL only


Use of Pooled Tables in SAP

They reduce the amount of database resources needed when many small tables have to be opened at the same time

Types of Tables in SAP: Cluster Table

The third type of Types of Tables in SAP is cluster Table.

  • They are used to hold data from a few number of large tables.(stores system data)
  • It has a many-to-one relationship with table in the database
  • Many cluster tables are stored in a single table in the database called a table cluster
  • The database table has different name, different number of fields and fields have different names
  • Contains less tables than table pools
  • Primary key of each table begins with same fields or fields
  • Secondary indexes cannot be created
  • They can be accessed using openSQL only

Use of Cluster Tables in SAP

They would be used when the tables have primary key in common and data in these tables are all accesses simultaneously

The main Cluster Tables in SAP

Some of standard cluster tables in SAP are:

TableSAP Cluster Tables
BSECOne-Time Account Data Document
BSEDBill of Exchange Fields Document
BSEGÂAccounting Document
BSESÂDocument Control Data
BSETÂTax Data Document
AUAAÂSettlement Document: Receiver
AUABSettlement Document: Distribution
AUAODocument Segment: CO Objects to be Settled
AUASSettlement Document: Totals Segment
AUATSettlement Document: Totals Segment Per Period
AUAVDocument Segment: Transactions
AUAWSettlement Document: Accounts for WIP
AUAYSettlement Document: Totals Keys

For SAP HR, the PCL* Cluster tables are:

TableSAP HR Cluster Tables
PCL1Database for HR work area
PCL2Accounting Results (time, travel expense and payroll)
PCL3Applicant tracking data
PCL4Documents, Payroll year – end Tax data

Types of SAP internal Tables (in ABAP)

There is 5 types of SAP internal Tables:

  • Standard Table,
  • Sorted Table,
  • Index Table,
  • Hashed Table,
  • Any Table ( Generic type , used for generic ABAP Programming )

Source: Comparison of Transparent, Pool and Cluster tables